Personally, with regard to calling my legislators (who are also Democrats), I’ve been saving my efforts for the shit that the Democrats are complicit in, like angling for further military action in Syria.
Personally, with regard to calling my legislators (who are also Democrats), I’ve been saving my efforts for the shit that the Democrats are complicit in, like angling for further military action in Syria.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we’ve all heard this song and dance a million times about how if everyone pretends hard enough that the Dems aren’t shit, it’ll somehow fix everything.
Dem politicians are so fucking stupid. Jesus fucking Christ.
Yeah, he’s not a looker.
IDK, he’s not real great-looking, he has terrible hair, and that song’s not very good.
So the linked slide deck says their social media is done by “Fuck Jerry”.
People who use the term “millennial” unironically should not be trusted with responsibility for anything.
No, I think you’re poor because you’re so defensive about dumb rich people spending their money on something dumb, which is very typical of poor people.
Yes, you’re obviously poor. Which is fine, poor people have value too, but you’re pretty clearly poor.
(1) Learn to tell a joke and (2) only poor people are ever as defensive about dumb rich people as you are. You might as well let go of this fantasy, you’re never gonna be like them so you don’t need to get huffy and offended on their behalf.
Wait, who do you know of that is opposed to Chelsea Clinton’s hypothetical candidacy but supports this guy’s?
Shaving your head isn’t the right move for someone who already always looks slightly ill.
Lol, I’m not poor and I’m definitely not jealous.
Okay but those movements were deeply unpopular with the people in power. We have this sort of mythological idea that MLK was widely respected in his day but he was HATED by white people. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was not a friendly thing that decent people all agreed with. It was an act of defiance that enraged white…
Revised: you definitely couldn’t.
Honestly, I’m starting to question Kendall Jenner’s judgment.
You probably couldn’t.
It feels so good because this only hurt rich assholes. Usually massive fuckups hurt people who don’t deserve it but not this time.
I’m a computer programmer and we have numerous industry-standard processes in place to guarantee that there are checks in between me doing something and that thing happening in the real world. You don’t just trust an engineer and hope for the best.
“I mean if you’re nice enough you might convince someone that you deserve to exist! Isn’t that great?”