Queef Burglar

Thank you for the “mountain lion (mountain lion)“ Bobby!!! If it wasn’t for that slight chuckle, I might not have made it through the ickyness that I felt creeping all over my body as I read.

THANK YOU!!! or should i say CHEERS MATE! I was thinking the same thing!

I would just like to share that I just spent the last 70+ minutes listening to Courtney’s pod-cast. I lauged, I cried, it moved me. Definitely brought up some shit for me—it put words to feelings I didn’t know I had. She is candid, transparent and uses my go to coping mechanism—humour. So beautiful to see these two

Sad panda....and yet...all the best. Spread your wings and fly!! I wish you all the dinglehoppers and thingamabobs life has to offer!

OH FOR FUCKING IN A BUCKET!!!! Really Urban Outfitters??? REALLY?? This is one of many reasons why my queefy shadow shall never darken their doorway....The fact that they simply wont say “My fuckin white-priviledge-bad” and change the highly offensive product name (which would take like....what, three seconds and a

Yes, yes they do. But also.....I need to know what that jerk off joke is...it’s killing me!!!!

I just want you to know that I prefer my humans free range and my eggs queef filled.

Where the fuck have I been...????? Oh yeah.....burgling queeeeefs.

Thank you...I was a glimmer away from loosing all hope....

No, I really didn’t think you came across like that at all! I guess I just over think things and thought I had a different viewpoint- which clearly you had already considered. I’m glad I don’t have babies, cuz this world is fucked! At least we can all gather here and have good talks and awareness about it. And maybe


No jumping! I swear!

Righteous dad anger is the best! Good on ya!


Fuck the side eye....they’re just jealous. Your ring is dope! !!

I adore you. ...and beets.

I am watching all this with baited breath. ...I find it all terrifying —and I’m north of the border! ! However things shake out down there. ..the effects will extend and reverberate world wide. This backwards trend in womens rights makes me so fucking ill...

Oh that dreaded hormone soaked, pimple infested, awkward boneriffic time of not a girl not quite a woman....tween hood. WORST. It sounds like your brother is really lucky to have you to be empathetic and bridge the age gap between your dad and him. He may not realize it now, cuz let’s be honest, it’s gonna be all

Haha! Gold! I am the oldest of four. ..so essentially i was a free babysitting service till I left home. Uhhhh....of course I saw that! ! When Alex read out her answer....I thought to myself...now I can die happy.

I was old enough and smart enough to know better. Damn my bleeding heart. Damn it to hell. Cheers to us both getting out...and knowing that we did.