
Yup - that’s what I’m doing now. Getting back to the basics. You can still enjoy keeping up with old friends, just no need for the other stuff. I actively hide pages I have no interest in.

Wait, what was wrong with Bhaer? He supported Jo and her writing aspirations.

No offense meant in anyway but, a lot of y’all seem to be imposing something on the story or even the adaptations, that isn’t there.

I’m in the process of unliking and unfollowing anything that I don’t care about. Trying to limit my FB to just family and friends. No need to make it easier for marketers.

At first I thought you may be my high school girlfriend, but I luckily never wrecked. We all smarten up eventually, some even become safety nuts because of it

Yep, so true. Unfortunately the physics of the matter don’t agree with them. It takes time and space to make thousands of pounds of metal come to a complete stop, and adding to that the fact that human reflexes can only be so fast assuming you’re paying perfect attention and aren’t tired, distracted, looking at your

As a CDL holder, let me reassure you, this is not the abuse you think it is, unless you were decelerating quickly. Slowing down, gradually, is the exact correct method to use when dealing with a tailgater. For their own safety, they have to slow down too, and will pass you at their first opportunity. That should be

The last person I had do this ended up trying to pass me, losing control, eating both ditches, then finally getting it under control in front of me to crawl along 25mph slower than I was originally doing.

Note: if you do this, you have to write “Dead cat - don’t eat” on it.

I feel your pain. I travel most of my commute on a 2 lane highway and it’s maddening how many people camp in the left lane. Your point about merging is valid but if the left lane was open more often and people were aware of merging traffic they can move to the left, let the person in then move back to the right lane.

A guy in my dorm mounted off road search beams on the bottom of his bumper. Switch was under the dash. Tailgaters got blinded by the light. Of course this was illegal in every state, but it was effective.

I for one do not. One of my hobbies is driving. I very much enjoy it. I’ve been tracking cars for 15+ years. I don’t want to see autonomous cars mandated and loose something I enjoy because others are not responsible enough to operate a car correctly.

There would be a lot less tailgating if the laws were enforced.

I mean, it pisses the driver off 99% of the time, but just say something...there was actually a PSA campaign about this awhile back. There’s 4 teens in a car, and the driver’s acting like an asshole, then the passenger turns into an old dude and is like, “Slow the fuck down, dude.”

It seems you don’t understand the graphic. Tailgating DOES contribute to the problem. Nobody said it was the only factor though.

This. I was taught the 2 second rule in driver’s ed: leave 2 seconds of space to the car in front of you, so you have enough time to react. I recently took an advanced driving course however, where they mentioned the 3 second rule: 2 seconds to react to what’s happening in front of you, plus one second of margin to

Exactly. If I’m on the highway in the left lane, it’s because I am trying to get around someone. I’ll get out as soon as I can safely maneuver to the other lane and not a second before. Most of those people don’t have an answer for the f*ckfaces who tailgate when there are no other lanes to get into...

I fucking despise tailgaters.

Left lane hogs are the worst, cops need to start ticketing these assholes as if they were going 25+ over the limit speeders. It’s more dangerous and causes more accidents.

About 20 miles of my commute is a 2 lane road with more traffic than is reasonable. I’m well aware of where it’s will slow down and the problem areas are. I tend to leave a large gap between my car and the car in front of me. People who don’t know the road tend to get mad that I’m not tailgating the next car ahead. I

i hate when people do this. there is a good distance between myself and the car in front of my because its safe driving.