Quasar Funk

Look...I hear you. The complaints are valid.

I’m in the same boat.

How can someone be too young to get a Beatles reference, and yet old enough to make a Calgon, take me away joke?

Oh no, you didn’t like a joke in an act you didn’t actually see. Can you do some concert reviews based on reddit posts about them?

In this case, local broadcast television deserves a “good job.” The fact that it wound up on the Internet is kind of incidental, but I’ll take it, since being on Youtube means I don’t have to live in the Twin Cities to see it.

I guess we’ll just have to see if the od will fix that then...

I don’t think there’s any reason to think that Leto’s desire to use method acting is any less genuine that Daniel Day-Lewis’s or (to put it another way) that Lewis doesn’t engage in method acting in part to generate attention.  I think the difference is that Lewis is truly an exceptional actor, so we are more willing

Damn even kid Prince is still cooler than anyone alive

I can’t remember the last time the internet actually deserved a “Great Job”, but this properly does. But primarily: 

/me scrolling through gizmodo and seeing the thumbnail

Scattering Remains was fine. 

I thought the doll sketch was the best of the night and genuinely funny. The rest of the show was very lackluster which was extra disappointing because Carmichael is the type of guy that is more than capable of throwing himself into the show and being a great host

Pausing all donations. Meaning they bothsides it. They could reverse course and start donating their considerable wealth to people who vow to repeal it.

*pushes up glasses*

Times were different then. A mere 17 years had passed since Jill Sobule scored a minor cancellation for the song “I Kissed a Girl,” and 4 years since Katy Perry’s completely different song called “I Kissed a Girl” hit #1 on the cancellation charts.

Specifically, Grimes recounts how that particular photo (from 2012) got “leaked,” causing her to get “canceled” “before the woke era.”

I’d have more sympathy for this point if the right hadn’t spent the last year complaining about non-existent CRT teaching in elementary and high schools. 

Yep and Obamacare isn’t actually called Obamacare but I seem to be the only person in the world who calls it The ACA.

Get fucked

I once used Cyprus Hill liner notes as a source text for a high school paper on legalizing marijuana.