Quasar Funk

This guy is concerned about physical appearances.

Yep.  This guy’s just going to take the money and run.

If only it could be as difficult for them as it is for the half a million Americans who file for medical-related bankruptcy each year.

It would be wrong to eat them live, you fucking disgusting savage.

Americans are more enthusiastic about voting right now than at any point since 2003

People can say that there’s no such thing as an “alt-left,” but this is why I disagree. This is the CTRL-left. The comic, as you say, “draws attention to the logical inconsistency of online racists.” It’s funny. It’s smart.

Are you serious?

If they were, they’d actually fix the things pointed out to them. This isn’t even some pedantic pointing out of punctuation or spelling. It’s a sentence that makes no sense whatsoever, and it’s supposed to be describing the central theme of this post.

This is a bizarre comment. You’re trying to compare Sanders’ trip to Moscow 30 years ago with Biden’s current cognitive decline. It’s not even apples and oranges, it’s apples and orangutans.

Why is this ass-boil wearing a fucking cowboy hat? Was his Viking helmet or Abe Lincoln hat or Spaceman helmet not available?

The selected families will give $120,000 to the family over the next year.”

Really?  Maybe I’ll have to give it another chance. I only listened to it a handful of times when it came out and I didn’t like it at all. 

There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.

Not in agreement at all.

the words “outspoken supporter of Julian Assange” and “Who’s politics are actually quite good” don’t belong in the same paragraph, let alone the same sentence.

He’s the most powerful man in the world, he doesn’t really have any motivating factor to lie about a hurricane hitting Alabama, yet here we are.

Some people scream racist chants, support putting kids in cages, deny basic science, deny women’s rights, and are anti-LGBT.

Yeah, but he’s hoping if he takes enough of those pills it will get to two or even three.

He’s definitely opened and read one of those “Mak3 y0Ur PEEENIS l0NG3R IN jUST 3 WEeKS” spam e-mails, right?

Yeah, my grandfather’s family disowned him for marrying a Protestant. She even converted to Catholicism, but it wasn’t enough.