Quasar Funk

More like Ron WRONG, am I wright!?

It’s up there for sure. 

Shouldn’t you be getting an Invisible Handjob somewhere?

Voting: Meh.”

Truly.  If an alien or an old person asks, “What is a ‘self-own?” that should be the first example given.  Textbook perfect.

No apology, but he offered this follow-up:

No, it was the “It’s Actually OK To Not Vote” from Nick, but I can understand people thinking about the Obama piece.

I am absolutely, positively a HUGE Donnie Iris fan!

That is, indeed, the correct ranking.

The worst was:

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.

She’s the candidate I wanted in 2016 and the best hope we have to at least delay our inevitable demise. On policy, she’s the best mainstream candidate of my entire life.

We don’t. We have to accept that we’re not pulling out of this. Hell, we’re not recovering from a Trump presidency. He’s going to get re-elected next year. The Supreme Court is lost for a minimum of decades. There’s no realistic shot at the Senate.

Yes, she did.

“Between robotics and nanotechnology, we could clean up the planet significantly, if not totally, in 10 years,”

My smoking, sedentary lifestyle, alcoholism, diet, and other poor life choices will kill me LONG before 2050 SO JOKE’S ON YOU MOTHERFUCKER!

You deserve to get shit on for that comment, but you likely wanted to get shit on.

DNC debate topics: