Yep, and Joe Biden is ready to jump right back into that game like Al Bundy reliving his four touchdowns in one game, except he doesn’t realize that he and Obama were less Al Bundy and more Uncle Rico.
Yep, and Joe Biden is ready to jump right back into that game like Al Bundy reliving his four touchdowns in one game, except he doesn’t realize that he and Obama were less Al Bundy and more Uncle Rico.
Totally agree. But I guess in today’s world we’re more concerned with satisfying soundbites than things actually happening.
If white people don’t throw trash where it’s not wanted, how do you explain Megyn Kelly to NBC?
Absolutely right. Before Trump, Republicans were always willing to act according to Constitutional law, ethics, bipartisanship, good s...
The fact that any single living person still takes seriously the idea of the personified gods of the primitive middle eastern goat herders would be funny if it weren’t so depressing. Grown-ass men and women believing in virgin births and zombie resurrections and burning bushes and prophets flying to heaven on a winged…
It’s almost as if one’s belief or non-belief in the existence of a god or gods has no bearing on whether one is a good person or not.
“My god doesn’t like you because of who you fuck” is the new “I don’t like you because you’re black.”
They’re so ethical they’ll even charge MORE than full price to the campaign!
That doesn’t count, though. There’s Christian variations of literally every music type. Led Zeppelin doesn’t suck just because Stryper exists!
He and his dad are just Christians Undergoing New Testament Study.
Some interesting things in the linked article, when asked who they’d vote for in the primary:
God damnit. This is going to lead to a whole thread of comments disparaging ska, which is objectively awesome music.
Something about your comment is humiliating, but it’s not what you think it is...
1.) They air Caillou. So they’re saying it’s not OK for kids to learn that same-sex couples actually exist and can be happy, but it IS OK for kids to learn that whiny little assholes should be spoiled.
You’re talking about people who don’t even know how to wear hats.
This isn’t about politics at all. It’s about patriotism.
Exactly. The GOP has won the popular vote in exactly one of the last seven elections.