Quasar Funk

Lack of enough processing power to understand policy is a legitimate excuse that afflicts millions and millions of Americans. 

One argument is that Pence will be far more effectively dangerous as president.

I think Ivanka is under his desk right now.

Starred for “lickspittle.”

Dun Dun 

McConnell is a much larger piece of excrement than Richard Spencer.

Did somebody say it’s fuck time?”

Things fall apart.  The center cannot hold.

Because smug assholes need to manufacture some kind of middle ground so they can let everyone know how awesomely independent and awesome they are.


You know what they say about girls with long necks, right?

What is a ground material vaporizer? Does that mean I can crush up my regular weed and smo...er, vape it with that thing? I don’t need like, liquid weed or something?

What is a ground material vaporizer? Does that mean I can crush up my regular weed and smo...er, vape it with that

Enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers of the Republic, and on the payroll of the Trade Federation, I might add.

The irony is even more palpable in the summaries written for both Ford and the man she said assaulted her. Blasey Ford’s piece is written by California Sen. and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, commending her for coming forward and sharing her story.

Gun to your head, can you honestly think of a bigger piece of excrement than Mitch McConnell?

Clearly he’s influential. If it weren’t for him, she wouldn’t have made the list!”

Both Sides.

It did not.  I finished it.  It wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t good either.