I have been since The Grayening.
I have been since The Grayening.
I call him Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie.
“Don’t mind Larry, he’s a bit of a dry humper.”
Dude, it’s tomato.
Sheesh. This guy’s name is mud now.
Call it what you want, but they’re still US citizens.
The white supremacist thing?
The pols are grossly incompetent, spend the money foolishly or corruptly, & only take from USA....
Todd Haley, probably.
She’s just fear-mongering in order to get support for hardline GOP policies like border walls and baby-cages.
“Until we get that barrier, they’re going to put their foot on U.S. soil and say, ‘Asylum.’”
What could they possibly do in 2024 to top this? Busey? Cosby? Bieber*? Manson?
do u even centrist bruh?
GOP: “Nazis are cool and brown babies from other countries should be kept in cages.”
It was Randall Lee Rahal who was bribing him.
I mean, yeah, that’s pretty much what a “compromise” is.
Regardless, getting Trump or McConnell to go on record stating that they don’t believe that all votes should be counted equally would be a good motivator for a lot of people to vote.
The framework of the EC was laid out for the reason I mention, but the evolution of the EC was most certainly about slavery, given that the 12th Amendment’s version is what we see today.
Actually, the electoral college was created because James Madison and Alexander Hamilton knew that the general public was full of idiotic simpletons, and they didn’t want to trust them to directly vote for president, lest they elect some narcissistic sociopathic buffoon who preys on their basest fears.
I mean, I want to believe this as much as anyone, but to say that “there is a lot of evidence” that this happened is a stretch, given that literally the only evidence is one guy who said that someone else told him, and he didn’t remember McConnell’s name until decades after and...