Because he is a garbage person who thinks garbage things and has the sensitivity level of a toddler with a diarrhea-filled diaper.
Because he is a garbage person who thinks garbage things and has the sensitivity level of a toddler with a diarrhea-filled diaper.
The best advice my mother ever gave me was to never marry a person with a shit family. Do you know what I’d be dealing with for the rest of my life? Or until every one of them/I dies? Their shit family. And you know what else happens as time progresses? EVERYTHING GETS WORSE. The parents get dementia. The sister gets…
He’s an outstanding alcoholic.
Of course she’s a model prisoner. Doing everything someone tells her to do is...kinda her wheelhouse.
Here’s the guy from the Vice video and his nazi tears after the fact.
Hopefully the baby got her chin.
While this is awesome, these kind of stories give me pause as to the state of my home and the impression it would give to FBI raiders. Like was I really too tired to throw my clothes in the hamper last night? Would the FBI guys sit around the office post pre-dawn raid and muse “hey did you see tornado’s underpanties…
When he sees that, he’ll sack Sessions for dissing him!
Sorry to say - I’ve stopped buying US goods :-( When I’m looking at fruit and veg etc.... I won’t buy US. I totally support YOU guys, but I won’t put my cash into Dump’s pocket.
We went to the market today, too — here in NZ - and the feijoas are MASSIVE (like, bigger than my fist?) and aromatic as! and only $3/kilo! Happiness!
I gave birth last Saturday, when I was only 25 weeks along, because my high blood pressure turned into preeclampsia and then HELLP syndrome in a matter of days. Original plan was to keep me at the hospital for as many weeks as possible before delivery, but my labs turned bad and then worse and doctors think I would…
This is why I will never feel bad about anyone making fun of Baron Trump, and I hope no school in DC takes him and all the kids around him hate him. Until Trump cares about other people’s kids, I won’t give two shits about his.
Just waiting for Eric to get his hand bitten off.
I have been watching the various incarnations of the nazi punch pretty much non-stop for the past day or so and they still have yet to get old. Personal fave:
That’s exactly what I was thinking. Surely the outraged people of America can fund enough legal fees for a dozen women to take the stage and spend as much time as possible giving a litany of Trump offenses on live tv before being dragged off stage.
I used to consider myself a pacifist, but we live in an evil time. I hope Republican lawmakers are assassinated with reckless abandon. It’s time for the Left to embrace reality.