Quantwan Cosby

#noonecares #abouthashtags #blessed

And people say this guy was never IV league material.

There seems to be some sort of hazy cloud over what this all means. Like someone’s blowing smoke in our eyes.

Pfff. Looks like someone went to an “SEC” school. 

Yeah, that basically never happens. He and an accomplice robbed five banks over an eight-month period. The bar to get over that kind of background and practice law is really, really high. He must have had a stellar record and a ton of high-profile recommendations.

Normally, I’d be snarking right there with you...but how he went from convict to attorney actually sounds pretty incredible. And he also worked to help other convicts when still in prison.

She’s a 1L. Check back in after August’s law firm interviews. Plenty of students don’t get non-profit, firm, criminal, or government jobs their first year when they went straight from college to law school, as she did.

Sweet baby Jesus, check out the Wikipedia page of the prof she’s working for. He’s a convicted bank robber turned jailhouse lawyer turned law professor. Draw what conclusions you want there. 

Damn millennials and your life vests. Back in my day we just drowned.

Jesus hung out with prostitutes.

As someone who doesnt care about cycling at all, that might actually get me to tune it for a moment.

This message endorsed by Tim Salmon. 

To be fair, the focus of his ads is to reach his home market, and that alone is an upstream battle.

Remember: His dad said that “if Colton’s not the one,” don’t waste his time.

“...in the double-shooting sleeve, late-stage Melo getup”

Holy shit, you knew Tyler too?!?! I fucking hated that guy.

Excuse me some of us believe in law and order

Even talking to a manager is crazy. If you can't handle a hard foul without acting like a spoiled child, you shouldn't be playing.

This is what happened to the “My dad’s a lawyer” kid from your HS.

I saw the article title, noticed the phrase “calls cops”, made some assumptions about the involved parties. And obviously I was right.