
So what happens to the 16 year old who was distributing pornography?

I get it. And I’m so sorry. I was also sexually abused as a small child (I can’t remember when it started, but I was 3 or 4). I was also raped a couple times in my early 20s. My mother’s response was “we’ll never speak of this again.” Another relative told me I needed to pray and repent and then I would feel better.

I’m really not down with calling anything to do with music appropriative. Music isn’t made in a vacuum. Musicians hear other musicians doing something they think sounds cool so they try it. ALL THE TIME. This happens across styles and cultures and races and religions and trends and races and time and space and

*when the media started paying attention to epidemic of police violence,

I once saw this post on an article on Judaism and it really moved me. I saved the entire passage. Unfortunately I can’t give credit because the poster was annonymous:

We’re not pretending. Please do show us an example of Democrats refusing to participate in a Republican President’s SCOTUS nomination duties. Dear.

I want to put a catheter full of fire ants up his pee hole.

That HIV/AIDS is almost entirely preventable is a fact. That a little personal responsibility is all that’s needed to prevent it is not.

This is absolutely amazing, and far too long in the making. I am a liver transplant recipient and donation/transplantation advocate.

I’m extremely pro-choice (and work in OB at a Catholic hospital, so... it’s a struggle), but I didn’t get the impression from the information in this write-up that we’re talking about a ball of unviable cells here. If we’re talking about like, a 25-week-old baby that should have gone to term, I don’t care what kind of

It takes a lot to truly offend me. The Redskins IS offensive. Luckily, there are already some new names they could use!

It worked for R. Kelly. He was indicted in 2002, but wasn’t tried until 2008 because of his lawyers extremely effective delay tactics, and was acquitted in less than a day of deliberation.

We are the team that drinks before noon, right?

I was at Morehouse last night and heard the speech. The reaction to the word uterus is really ridiculous. Killer Mike’s speech was amazing, just like his other introduction of Sanders when he was in Atlanta on November 23. Focusing on it reduces and confuses the point.

OMG. This is my derp.

But, like, aren’t they making modern petroglyphs for future generations????

I was wondering about this when I saw it on that valentines list. I thought maybe it was just some random rock. What a dummy. I hope she gets a stiffer fine. People do this in every park, and it ruins the area. If I want to see some stupid youths names on something, I can go look at the picnic benches in the park by

I want to learn more about what kind of program she’s talking about. Maybe she’s talking about bringing in counselors, specialists, and educators who are understanding and culturally sensitive and have a track record 0f taking students seriously and following through with these students’ concerns when students say

We are so fucked if this is the shit coming from a supposed feminist blog.

I know it’s not cool on here to like taylor, but damn clover did she kill your dog or something? You are salty as fuck.