
It’s small but it’s designed as a proof-of-principle or pilot study, not a large scale epidemiological one. Basically you run a small study to see if your hypothesis holds water and then scale up if it does (like experimenting on animals or ex vivo before doing a human study).

Unlike many (many many many) birthing trends, I’m actually cool with this one. I mean, I get being squicked out, but the idea has some solid merit. Most babies pass through the vagina and get well and truly rubbed in its juices during the birthing process; that’s not gross, right? Why is this? Colonization by the

*looks in mirror at self, notices unplucked eyebrows, hairy legs, dress from old navy, suspiciously dark upper lip hairs, chewed on nails and 25 extra pounds* *shrugs*

If people think that they didn’t look just as dumb or say things just as dumb as a teenager, they’re remembering their teenage years wrong. You may not have been posing for artsy try-hard pictures in a dress, but you sure as hell did something just as objectively weird.

or just support local charities that spend their money donating wigs, paying medical bills and driving people to and from appointments.

Pretty horrible, but sums up what many Hilary supporters believe. Somehow because I’m a woman I should be voting for Hilary because she’s one as well. Or I’m sexist because I don’t vote for Hilary. Everyone wants to talk about BernieBros, but Clinton supporters are just as bad (if not worse) when it comes to these

Wow. We dudes are nothing if not persistent. Andy’s been dead thirty years and still managed to send a woman a dick pic.

A more empathetic answer than the ones you’ve already received - being that deep into highly technical disciplines, with a trajectory that suggests you’ll only go deeper, can be a profoundly isolating experience. It’s hard enough to stay level with a good support network and a firm handle on how to manage your mental

Now I don’t know anything about design, but I really feel like they should come with a piece of chocolate and a midol inside each wrapper. Oh, and slip of paper with your fortune on it.

It sounds fair to me. They need to take care of their rape problem first though.

I’m in favour of abolishing the draft entirely.

I know it’s popular to hate on Gwyneth but THAT is how you do divorce with kids. Too often the parents are selfish cry babies who can’t put their kids first for even a second. I can hate on GOOP the website but I give these two a lot of credit in the parenting department.

The bigger problem, as i see, is that you don’t need to be on the wrong end of some GGers, for that to happen. You just need to be on the wrong end of a swat team and their tactics, whether the call on your house was a malicious lie to the police, an administrative error or a detective work error (or even not an error

It’s designed to provoke a heavily armed police response, and can be deadly.

I’m sure it’s totally a coincidence that a legislator who is going after gamergaters was harassed by a tactic known to be used by gamergaters. Complete coincidence. Next you’re going to tell me she did it herself as a false flag. Those comments have to be on the way

They should cast Tracy Morgan as Marlon Brando.

Something that bothers me about all of the coverage of Daniel Holtzclaw is that I haven’t seen and heard enough about the gorgeous human being who brought him to justice: Jannie Ligons. I’ve endured every angle of Holtzclaw’s rage-y, deflated mug, and haven’t heard enough about the first police complaint, the first

The weird thing is I went to a Bernie rally and he came off as pretty feminist to me. Like I was surprised because sometimes old socialists like him have some kind of regressive views on women, but he spent a pretty good chunk of time talking about pay equity, childcare, reproductive rights and etc.

See, I read this comment, and it’s really Exhibit A why if you’re privileged you just shouldn’t ever say anything on these topics.