
So, one of the things I learned while tripping on acid in college was that insecurity is part of the universal human condition.

There is a real class division in how people view potlucks. Higher income people view them as lazy and cheap. Most blue collar folks see them as fun and a great way to have a party. There are a lot of people who can’t afford to invite 20-30 people over to eat. Blue collar folks also don’t usually do wine/ hors

THEY ARE THE WORST! I am getting really fed up with shows where everyone is just a garbage person. Maura’s just trying to live her life and her ex wife is so lovely and kind- how did they create those monster children?

But wouldn’t it be hilarious if his fans all did start showing up wearing orange, like his face, to support him?

Not taking any sides here without more information, but it sounds to me like the police don’t want anyone livestreaming their confrontations anymore, and I’m sorry, but that’s not right.

“Two decades” well i guess i am crying myself to sleep tonight

Your mother is right. Hillary does have terrible legs and it is probably why she gave up dresses.

Other things Donald Trump has said we must do which we decidedly do not:

Not at all to imply that it’s a matter of such a simple solution to a sad and complex problem with multiple causes, but please do support parents in your community.

I want to put a smiley face sign in my window that indicates me as a emergency, respite child care mom. You? Go take a shower by yourself. Walk through a quiet library. Me? I’ll feed your kid muffins and have them run in the back yard until they are too tired to sass.

$100 grand seems too low of an amount to sue for considering they slammed a girl suffering from brain tumors head to the ground. Here’s a photo of her during arrest:

It’s basically security theater atthis point.

Okay please explain this shade to me. I am a white woman and have been to Ghana several times, I have a deep love for the culture and people, as well as the beautiful landscape. From my perspective, no Ghanaians have an issue or provide shade when I am there. Obviously I stick out like a sore thumb and am stared at

This saddens me :( The sport used to put so much more emphasis on the integration of the dance elements. Boginskaya? Gutsu? Mo Huilan? Milosovici? Silivas? Judges wanted a holistic performance showing off musicality, balletic positions and tumbling in a seamless whole, not just executing a series of acrobatic moves

Presumably just until 4.

I admire his practicality in pursuit of solitude. I wish it was appreciated more by society and considered an act of self preservation rather than automatically deemed negative antisocial behavior. It would probably save a lot of people from unnecessary stress in life.

“So if I wanted to watch the stock market and stuff like that I’d have to get up really early and watch it by myself.”

Camping? If they are turning down camping over financial woes then either you’re doing the camping part wrong or they’re doing the ‘friend’ part wrong. I otherwise agree with your sentiment. It’s very frustrating to watch a friend be irresponsible with the finances. Especially if it has an impact on their ability to

Here is what I do... keep in mind I am late 30s, single dad who is doing all he can to stay afloat... I have come to realize your real friends wont give a fuck how much money you have... from just a few drinks, to a trip to the Oregon coast... real friends cover your ass. If have had a lot of acquaintances come and

I really like the idea of this little four week project. That said, and I know that maybe this is outside of your experience, any chance you’ll do a bit about functional alcoholism?

I should say that I am a functional alcoholic. I’m 32 and a fairly big guy, 6'2, just north of 200 pounds and I’ve always held my liquor