
Yes. When someone is so beautiful it becomes pointless. Like what could I possibly do with this? Same feeling I get when a desert is too cute/pretty. Can't eat it. Maybe that isn't the same thing. I'm stoned

LOLWUT? You know Leviticus is the book many Christians love to use to condemn homosexuality....right?

Agreed. McGinty is a piece of shit who abdicated his responsibility to his job and became a cheerleader for the defense. What an immoral, disgraceful coward. If he had any dignity at all he would submit his resignation tomorrow morning. His lack of any empathy for the Rice family makes him unsuitable for public

Grand Juries are bullshit.

My heart breaks for this woman. I hope she’s able to stay strong and has a good support system. She was living in a homeless shelter back in May, which was yet another blow for this poor woman. I’m not holding out much hope for any justice in this case, but I do wish the Rice family some semblance of peace.

Yours wasn’t at all sexy.

Funny embarrassing story about David Spade: I worked at one of the 3 bars in Big Bear Lake in 2001. This little guy (literally, he’s tiny) brought an underage girl with him and demanded to be let in.

Why not re-read the article?

The fact that the police would only fire tear gas and other biological weapons inside the malls under extreme duress is kind of the entire fucking point actually? When the protests happen in open air locations, police in multiple cities have shown that they will deploy all of their less lethal weaponry for pretty much

Still waiting on the news to discuss when and how he was radicalized...

Uh, no. I was at the protest last year. My partner works at the mall and witnessed the protest today. Neither were “a punch away from utter chaos.” You have no idea what you are talking about.

Here’s the thing that people who didn’t live through this time frame don’t understand: the amount of mind-altering, memory-erasing drugs people did then are staggering. Staggering.

Let’s take a moment to look at the stunning beauty that is Jeffrey Wells...

Yes. 534 representatives and senators, most of them old white men, having an orgy. You put that image in my head, and now I’m re-gifting it back to you.

I find sexting to be the most stressful form of communication. I’ve tried it a few times with the husband but I always sounds so... clinical. or fake. usually clinical. The husband is worse at it than I am, he usually just responds with “ok” or “sounds good”

Ugh dude, that is the lamest and most misogynist Penthouse letter I have ever read.

1990, I was taking some time off from work and touring with the Grateful Dead. I had just finished a three day run in Denver and between then and the New Year’s Eve show in Oakland, I was hanging with some friends up in Whitefish, Montana. I was way into this friend, Steve, and he was marginally into me. We had hooked

I hate the trend of having a fit over the trends of the moment and acting like your special because of it. There’s a sort of irony in this “I’m so above this, I don’t just do what everyone else does” that so fricking many people do. The trite culture of complaining about trite culture. If you don’t like it don’t do

Certainly kids, and especially teenagers, have “certain civil rights”, as you say.

Sometimes when I’m lazing in bed and letting my girth spill out in all of it’s splendor, I completely envision myself as Jabba (except with my adorable face).