
Seriously, so so many. There are, what, a half dozen Spiderman movies and there are still a dozen Spidermen who don't have movies.

Psh, I quit facebook five years ago. I have even LESS of a clue what ANYONE is talking about.

Maybe you just see too fast. Try to hear faster.

As someone who used to have a facebook account, that shit always makes me incredibly nervous. You would be shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, at how often my old account is re-activated due to an errant click. I can't even use my old spotify account. I didn't even have the spotify account at the same time as the

They did! I'm not sure how Carl's Jr./Hardees divide affects the availability of tacos, though. Mine is a Hardees/Red Burrito, as are some others in the area. Not all though. I just googled it, and apparently there are Carl Jr's that also Green Burritos? Fast Food branding is very strange…

Yeah, it's called Thursday. They were gonna put it on his birthday, but those are surprisingly rare.

Yes. I would absolutely consider Evanston to be in the area, but if you're talking just in the city itself DePaul is one of the most prominent and larger than University of Chicago, as is UIC though that's less known nationally. Unless I'm forgetting something, those are the main ones but there are a ton of smaller

Barely 18 Shades Of Grey

This is one of the great ironies of the internet: once you connect enough bored people, simplicity becomes anathema to efficiency.

Before coercing my young brother to watch this movie, at surprising personal expense, he refused to watch any black and white feature. Some Like It Hot cured him of that. I wouldn't call its sensibilities modern, and it's hard to compare to any recent comedies, but it remains a terribly accessible film. That might

A relatively unknown (wikipedia said they did chart twice) Arizona band known as the Sidewinders and the Sand Rubies. My parents got the cassette when I was about 6, and I apparently loved it. My dad's band started playing two of their songs pretty regularly during practice, which I would rock out to in the manner

Yes. Also, there are a number of other universities in the area.

Yeah, but this location is an "upscale taqueria." I assumed that meant they'd be aping the Chipotle model: setting prices just high enough to discourage undesirables but still low enough to attract the frugal well-to-do.

Some do. Or mine does, at least. Granted, I'm only about seven miles East of the Mississippi.

I don't know, dude, it's an even numbered year…

If you're counting calories, the dollar menu is a solid lunch option. A single item is small enough to have a reasonable calorie count for a full meal, and upsets your stomach enough that you won't want to eat anything else.

I doubt it will make much difference; there are already many, many establishments in the neighborhood that sell some kind of alcohol. Probably a greater percentage than those that sell meat. Hell, that's actually relevant, a vegan sloppy joe sandwich has the same effect on my digestive system as Taco Bell.

and Asteroids!

I fell in love with Sphere around the same age. I read it recently. It definitely didn't carry the same weight, but I also definitely re-read the whole thing in less than two days. I wouldn't defend it as a novel, but it's a great item to have on a long plane trip.

I was a weird neurotic nine year old when this came out in theaters and honestly identified with the blood-sucking lawyer more than Grant, Sattler, or Malcom. That scene was horrifying and I refused to watch the movie again (my friends kept wanting to go back to it in theaters) until Craig's parents got it on laser