
Changed the wording. Didn't mean to imply circumcision was equal to all genital mutilation, it's probably the most benign form of it. You're right, though, too loaded a word. My apologies.

surgically altered, then?

They clearly say no abnormalities or piercings, and I'd imagine your genitals having been surgically altered falls in there somewhere.

I'm fairly certain you're wrong about Uranus being Roman.

I'm not inclined to correct you.

Psh, you're just saying that cause he's worse than most other tackles in the NFL.

It is special, and I wasn't trying to pick a fight. I was actually pretty excited by the possibility of the gems being able to really play with gender, nontraditional genders, or lack of a clear gender. I expect that is where the show will go, but I could be wrong. Given interviews I've read with Rebecca Sugar, I

Why do you think they're presented as female?

I'm not sure it's relevant that she was a woman. As a guy who wears heels when appropriate, I'm extremely confident that none of us are faster in them either.

Bit of devil's advocate here, but how's this for deniability: I'm hesitant to designate Ruby and Sapphire as a same sex couple, because I'm hesitant to say any of the gems have a sex in any meaningful way. They seem to be able to have any body they choose. You could argue that they have gender identities, but I'd

Yeah, I'd agree with this. I mean, I think everyone agrees "fusion = sex" is a bit simplistic, but I'm not even sure Garnet views all fusions along the lines of romantic/sexual intimacy. She seems pretty comfortable forming Sugilite for pragmatic reasons, and while it's still obviously an intimate act for Amethyst

I'm fairly certain video game characters qualify as "non-human."

The character is usually human shaped and portrayed with human characteristics.

Yeah, a pet peeve of mine is when people accuse me of being nostalgic because I continued to like things I used to like. I mean, I might play Karnov for the nostalgia factor, but I still play Super Mario Bros. because it's a great game and fun to play.

You are now my best friend.

Zelda was already anthropomorphic.

The worst thing I can say about GMOs is that Monsanto thinks they're a good idea.

Re-using hamburger leavings as chili meat sounds downright responsible, as long as it's kept at appropriate temperatures.

it might be weird, but it's actually the case. I mean, I don't think there was a system that could handle South Park until the N64, Platstation era. I consider those powerful systems, but maybe I've been in the game too long… The first half of video game history couldn't manage anything close.