
Spatilomancy may not be as well known as pyromancy or as effective as spatulamancy, but seriously, if you're gonna be a spy you gotta know your mancies. They start with M and are one of the core concepts.

I still don't really understand this whole "canon" thing, but I'm pretty sure that whether or not it makes sense to us is in no way a factor in determining whether something is or is not canon.

Yes, it says so right in the headline.

It's all in the….

….isn't it?

*Googles "Tom Petty + Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"*

Brosnon is not the only an American played Bond:

He is in reality. Has he gotten his ass kicked in Indiana?

All the Suicide Squad photos are on CNN.com now, didn't you get the memo?

That's patently untrue, at least in the US. The Kardashians have a much larger share of the news cycle than all the Federalists and Jeffersonians put together.

Comics are never that simple. For instance, there have been four or five White Tigers already, and none of them have been white. Most weren't black though, although one was. He was also Black Panther a little, and also Jewish. The first and current one were brother and sister and Puerto Rican, and a different one

Why do we scream at each other?

Ok, but what will your epitaph be?

Slothful indolence requires surprisingly little money. An ability to drink Keystone Black or Olde English 800 helps immensely, but I've never found wealth to be an important part of the equation.


I was always partial to the "18 leg sweeps in a row before finally getting destroyed by someone who knew how to do actual combos" stratagem.

There's precedent on the bully thing:

Spoken like someone who has never read a story about Jedi that was printed on pressed wood pulp…

His secondary power is throwing a fit and becoming a stevedore for several issues.

You forgot Cyclips, Jean, Xavier.