
Ironic, sure, but it's not his fault they asked him to do this feature, and I understand why he did it. I mean, if it weren't for this article, I still wouldn't know the guy's name.

Wait, do you think Kanye and GW Bush are billionaires? Cause combined they don't top 200 million. Bill and Melinda Gates have donated 180 times the combined net worth of Kanye and Bush to charity and are still the richest people in the United States. I'm not even saying Bill and Melinda are great people but I

In my defense, it is actually an extremely nit-picky complaint, and I was trained as an academic.

While reading this, I wrote a program that allows you to enter any text, and it will conclude the text is porn written by Shakespeare. I'm almost disappointed how easy it was. The program never once got hard.

Honestly, it's one of those things that's great in concept but is nothing but awkward in execution.

It's also worth noting that Samantha is extremely intelligent. You know who thinks they're extremely intelligent? CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS.

Seriously, that second point threatened to ruin the movie for me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. You could read it as the first indication that Samantha has a much different set of values (predicated on distribution and interaction rather than ownership and privacy) that leads to the reveal that she's got dozens

And so, once again, it appears I was wrong in thinking I knew what "B Roll" meant.

Can we please just not create AI? Have we not learned that they always turn out shitty? It's the whole point of the book of Genesis!

See, it works! You just realized exactly what it means to be human!

Doubt it. I've played Bulletin for dozens of machines, several dogs, all of my siblings, and even a dolphin. Not a single sonnet between them…

It probably wouldn't have an emotional reaction.

I often find it really entertaining.

In the United States, at least, a ban seems pretty impracticable. Certainly some of these people need to be investigated for criminal behavior, but then what? What do you do with the people still there, who haven't otherwise committed a crime but still believe in Scientology? Do you make it a crime to believe in

I'm really not seeing a downside.

It's not uncommon for me to watch an action sequence and think, "Holy Crap, is this fight choreography simply amazing or is my inner 12 year old just getting too excited after downing four pounds of skittles and cream soda?"

I'm certain Jack loved his kid, but there is no doubt in my mind that he thought the money would more more useful to Matt than Jack in the long run.

I agree it's jarring, but I do appreciate the fact that it was Owlsley who chimed in with something like, "every time some cape punches a criminal through a wall, our margins increase 3%." He seems like a big picture kind of guy.

You don't know, you weren't there!

Hypocrites are usually right about something.