
Actually, yes. It's quite durable.

I don't know, the non-existent kind has done wonders for me.

Wait, which state is this?

Just last friday, I got drunk and revisted Illinoise. Ended up listening to those two songs over and over and cried the whole time. So, uh, high five!

Look, the law is reprehensible, but it does have a bizarre hidden upside: Indiana businesses have now brought up our sexual histories. It's now on the table. I, for one, am planning several road trips, where I will go from store to store and share such anecdotes as,

Some hack who thinks McDonalds serves croissant sandwiches.

It would be a good death.

"And they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two sequels."

Maybe not that unlikely. You're talking about three people who literally spent their childhoods acting against Maggie Smith, Alan Rickman, Gary Oldman, Richard Harris, et al.

"You have too much energy. What's your address?" put me on the floor lauging

Well, unless being able to play the role brilliantly counts as a logical standard. In which case, Hoffman and Bancroft were perfect.

Well, D'Onofrio is of Sicilian descent, and Sicily was certainly an Imperial holding of Spain, why wouldn't that count?

And people say Anti-Italianism is dead.

Are we just ignoring the Michael Clarke Duncan in the room?

I would argue he's bad in Law & Order: CI, but I certainly don't blame him for it.

I love the personal stakes and I love that he's not untouchable, but part of that character arc seemed to be showing how grew to be so removed and sociopathic. Hell, in casino he gives it all up to be with Vesper, and she betrays him and practically kills herself. Now, he recovers from that after a small but

Hers was not a good answer! She would be a terrible super villain!

You can microwave an egg. If you do it in a coffee mug, it even comes out sized for an english muffin. It doesn't taste as good, but on the upside it smells terrible so everybody hates you.

It's getting to where you can't punch anyone these days…

It's good advice. I looked it up; totally checks out.