
It really might be the best show in the "attractive people solving crimes" genre.


It's largely a matter of taste, but to be sure Emily has better bone structure.

Awww, you can still tell me, buddy. I love to hear it.

I know a trivium about Secretary! Don't watch it for the first time on mushrooms. Really, don't do it. What do I win?

Glad for an endorsement. Is it as off the wall as the review makes it sound? The whole time I was reading, I was thinking, "yeah, this sounds exactly like the kind of tonal clusterfuck I love in a movie."

"Some ambitious and impressive distillations of story arcs" which is, uh, no mean feat when it comes to X-Men adaptations. Seriously, who else has actually accomplished that? Most of the comics of the last twenty years count as failed attempts…

His aside about Alan Turing also being an X-Man might be my favorite joke in the series.

They actually pass that shit out in grade schools. It's a freaking conspiracy.

We know he didn't invent it because he hasn't written an article decrying its use

Is that how you overcompensate?! I've been going about this all wrong!

Vooo-dooo Child, things are gonna get easier
Vooo-dooo Child, things'll get brighter…

Swamp. Seriously, I heard Stop Making Sense before Speaking in Tongues and it ruined my for the album version.

They're incredible live. Just saying, for anyone on the fence, do what you can to see B&S live. For a band that more than dabbles in being precious or morose, they are 100% aware that they are professional entertainers.

If he were really a supervillain, I assume he'd sink Manhattan.

You know, of the bands I was into as a teenager, I am admittedly shocked to find TMBG holds up the best.

Hey, so, having been in the same position as your friend, thanks for giving a shit. Seriously. Continue that, if you can manage it. Helps a lot to know anyone cares. I don't have much advice, but that really struck me for personal reasons, so I thought I'd say I care about you. in a very general way appropriate to

Yeah, so, screw everybody for reminding me of that song, take this:

Ha, my apologies. Comment withdrawn.

Maybe not, but I daresay there are reasons enough to be here while having no interest whatsoever in Norwegian legends A-Ha. A deep and abiding love for all things related to Snoop Dogg and premium cable channels, for example…