
Well, I wouldn't call my pretenses false, as such, but certainly I've…

Ass pennies also work. Have you tried ass pennies? Changed my whole life.

Do it. You won't regret it. It even has Drew Carey's brother from the Drew Carey Show!

No, you're thinking of submarines.

Christ, I still think of this as a new show. Am… Am I old? I've already had a longer life than Cory Monteif. Another few years and I'll have beaten Jesus and Bruce Lee as well.

Sorry man, I got blazed and ate the whole bag. Didn't know you wanted any.

Human adults, between 120 and 300 pounds.

Also, Margaret is another one of those names. Never met a Margaret who went by Margaret…

You, sir, are forgetting William S Burroughs, Prince William, and the Williams Sonoma Catalog!

You're right, and I probably overreacted, but this is a personal issue for me. I really thought I was done empathizing with Billy Corgan after I turned 15…

"So IRL Zuckerburg is happily married to a fellow Harvard grad"

Now, I can't stand Keith Law, and I'm fine with Billy Beane, but I honestly can't watch Money Ball. I'm certain it would drive me crazy, any amount of fictionalization would make me itch and possibly explode.

He was also very, very young when the scheming vindictive stuff went down. He's still young, and I definitely don't know the guy, but the idea that someone could be a self-absorbed asshole at age 20 and a pretty decent dude at age 30 doesn't seem far fetched.

It's his name! His first name is literally and exactly and legally William! Argh, As a fellow William I still run into this. There is no pretense in saying your name is William if your name is William. Richards don't have to deal with this crap

I went through the same thing. I got stuck with Willie as a kid due to the inordinate amount of Bills and Billys in my family. Right around 7th grade I tried to get people to call me William, but it turns out people are freaking merciless. I wonder if non-Williams ever have this problem.

Extremely poor username/comment synergy.

Looks more like Nien Nunb.

Honestly? Serial Experiments Lain.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What does being in a cartoon have to do with hip-hop? Vanilla Ice was in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze! Live. Action. Now that's hip-hop.

Um, yeah, so basically, we already know that, basically, cause the video with the guy of science explained that in, what is basically, very basic, um, detail.