
They may be celebrated, Canadian, and alt-rock, but I hesitate to call them a band.

Not to mention him nailing love to that fine piece of furniture. Hubba hubba.

My high school actually encouraged us to use Metacrawler. Then again, they were so un-hip they actually had Macintoshes in the computer lab…

I can't express how thankful I am that comments are disabled on that video.

How dare you reduce this American hero to mere political beliefs when he could run so very, very fast?!

To save you some time, Hurt Locker is also made up.

He's also *POSSIBLE SPOILER!* Daenarys's nephew.

It actually kind of annoyed me how rock stupid they had to make everyone in Indiana for Jon Hamm's story to sell. Then again, I guess it wasn't strictly a rural thing, even Titus, with his iron will, started to fall for him.

Upstanding, respectable citizens don't masturbate in libraries. They're well regarded enough to find someone to have sex with in libraries.

I'd like to be bit and become a zombie. Those guys seem to know what's up.

"why is water wet?" "because it almost always is."

They have a name, and it has one and a half words, thank you very much!

In my mid 20s I was dating a girl who was going to gauge her ears, which made me queasy. I spent a long time trying to grapple with the situation, and eventually went to an antagonistic ex I trusted for advice. This was the conversation:

Rapture Rapes the Muses is my personal favorite, but seriously, this album. I can hardly turn it on without listening straight through, there aren't any glaring weak spots, and it covers so much ground cohesively. It feels chaotic, but it's so well planned and executed.

The movie is not very good, no, but if you liked that scene most of the set pieces deliver. Vaughn can stage a slick fight and it is weirdly satisfying to watch Firth tear through people.

And yet, if you reverse it ("I used to get guys like you to FUCK me in prison!") it still does a pretty good job of ending conversations, forestalling fights, and unnerving people.

You type stuff and it posts it online. Seems familiar somehow…

You're right, the three point line is completely arbitrary! We should only enforce rules with a strong basis in Basketball Natural Law.

Alright, you talked me into it. Murder By Death is what I'm doing tonight. It's a stupid movie, but Smith and Niven alone could salvage any film, and they don't even compromise half the charisma in that film.

Fascism sounds a lot like the internet.