
I didn't know atheists had Confirmation

I haven't been on either for years, and it's beautiful. The only downside is that I'm out of the loop on current asshole trends. First reaction when I read Feig's comment was incredulity because I haven't run into real people kvetching about this ruining their childhoold, but I'm sure it does happen a lot various

I just started playing banner saga this week, and I can't tell you how many times I've restarted that damn thing. I know part of the point is deal with the (generally negative) consequences of your actions, but screw it. Next play-through, nobody gets any food. I'm done with food. I've spent every possible

Rhythm of of the Saints or Remain in Light if need to concentrate. If I need a boost, Apollo 440's Can't Stop the Rock or Advice by The Pillows. The latter is particularly effective.

I had to scroll up to double check, but man, you are right on.

I was into it, but then the 5 year old I was baby sitting had to go home with 20 minutes left in the movie AND TOOK IT WITH HIM, THE SON OF A BITCH!

Nobody living in downstate Illinois.

As if there's a medium without gratuitously huge breasts on egregiously unrealistic women…

They have a blue one now. Blue is a color.

It is interesting to note which male characters have well defined lips.

Yeah, but at least Jedi shows the consequences of using sex slaves and how they take years off your life. Not once does that movie mention lung cancer.

That place was seriously disappointing. The Mars Cheese Castle at least delivered on the cheese.

Even if they don't see gender, most people are still pretty aware of whether or not they have a dick in their face.

Man, you're really good at this.

Being clever and easily offended can take up your entire life.

he was also Evil Peter Pan or whatever in Flash Gordon!

Actually, that's a common misconception. Time passes no matter what you do.

Lots of people admit it, just not in Boston.

Yeah, but he threw like 50 more innings than Tanana in 77. Tanana may have been better while he was out there, but I do think Ryan provided more value that year. Honestly, though, 77 is about the only year you can argue Ryan deserved an Cy Young, and it's not a clear cut case. Apart from that, he was never the best

He looks marginally less like a sack of potatoes than Schilling does.