
Petty is a fine act, but he sort of became an Elder Statesman of pop music by default. He was never the best or most innovative, but he was never bad and always popular and I don't know anyone who dislikes him.

How can one differentiate?! Easily! Easily and arbitrarily, my good man. You differentiate arbitrarily for taxonomic reasons. Proper taxonomy is of course important in any field, because without it you won't have anything to talk about. Now, you can establish strict criteria for the distinction if you like, but

yeah, he is an old, old man but he makes an effort. Maybe I'm making excuses, but that's enough for me and I'm glad I've gotten the chance to see him live so many times.

Aw, since I'll never have as natural a reason to bring it up, the three games my own father has played extensively and is quite good at:

God damn it, now I gotta go shell out how ever much it costs to buy Umjammer and Lunar used on amazon so I can play them again…. Thanks for nothing!

ah yes, one of the PSORSes, porn stars of reasonable size…

woof, if you know what I mean.

Well, they'll all be playing one part each in Ghostbusters, so range is less of a factor.

The first movie was about ethics in ghost busting, and the moral was that the EPA was an ignorant, needlessly obstructive agency whose sole purview was keeping down American entrepreneurs and throwing small business owners in prison.

In grade school, we always got the pizza the same day as chocolate pudding, so we'd put the chocolate pudding on the hot lunch pizza. It was probably terrible, but I still crave it from time to time.

Is this really a divisive game? I'm honestly asking. I loved it when it first came out, but haven't played it in years. At the time, the cel shading raised some eyebrows but I don't remember anyone who played it and didn't love it. Don't know much about the modern interpretation.

Yeah, but he's an actor. He could act like a high schooler.

If the nineties taught us anything, it's that you can never have too many Spidermans.

Most of them are quite good.

Not a lot, no, but it had even fewer Robin Hoods.

Power Rangers RPM is seriously underrated. Definitely not good. Not really even mediocre, but certainly underrated.

"I think with this short they’ve gotten more attention than ever before."

Surprised there's no mention of Lemmings. That's a classic series that grew entirely out of a few charming sprites.

You reminded me of a favorite CS Lewis quote I barely need an excuse to whip out: "What do people mean when they say, 'I am not afraid of God because I know He is good'? Have they never even been to a dentist?"

No Jimmy Stewart in An American Tale 2: Fievel Goes West? No Orson Welles in Transformers?!