

The best part is that you still get to murder people in most of them.

It's because Kent State is in Ohio.

Yes! You get six points! Congratulations!

I used to have a dvd called Indiana Bones but instead of a puppy it starred Ron Jeremy.

Spin it, let's begin it, bear an' grin it when you're in it.
You can win it in a minute if you spin it, spin it, spin it.

I think you just named the new album.

To quote Blackbolt, "

The world is a vampire sent to drain
Secret destroyers hold you up to the flames
And what do I get for my pain?
Betrayed desires and a piece of the game.

Fine, fine, then which article is the appropriate place to voice negative opinions of Jane the Virgin? I tried it on the best albums of 2014, and let me tell you, it didn't fly over there either.

AV Club has never been able to control its Oliviatremors

That's only one thing.

Randian Objectivist History is the most fun, though. You get to reject relying on contributions and sources created by others, while boldly and loudly asserting whatever you think probably happened.

The internet didn't do this, Poland did!

Nice comment, but even back in 1902 William James was complaining about "The absurd notion that a thing is expoded away as soon as it is classed with others, or its origin shown."

I have one word for you: Aspic.

Then Big Brother is gonna see some fucked up shit.

I can't imagine anyone who would actually date those stereotypes.

The problem with pseudo-nostalgic reworked marvel properties is, and will always be, that David Hasselhoff actually starred in Nick Fury: Agent of Shield:

Around that time of the night, my brother will microwave totinos pizzas until they're kind of mushy, and then roll them into the world's shittiest stromboli. I've seen him put one away in three bites. It's astonishing.