
Marvel's Civil War differed from all ancient crossovers in the immense power of the combatants and their fearful agencies of destrutction, and from all modern crossovers in the utter ruthlessness with which it was fought. All the horrors of all the ages were brought together, and not only heroes but whole fan bases

I got a David Keith notification for this?!

Yeah, fair enough. The tone does seems similar too, from the excerpts here and the preview a week ago. Heh, you probably didn't mean it as praise, but I'm actually looking at this stuff in a much more positive light now…

A gap that can also be bridged from the other side! I'm an unapologetic fan of the Hell Yes EP by Beck, which is really just chiptune remixes of songs from Guero. It's pretty great, here's a taste:

As someone who's been buying comics for thirty-some-odd years, I can tell you the only proper place to conduct your business: Amazon, after the TPB is published.

Seconds copycat? How do you figure? I'm not criticizing, I'm honestly curious. Haven't read Batgirl yet, but I'm having trouble imagining that.

Well, I'm sure with you on Outlaw Star…

He's not related to the other Baldwins, but I did hear somewhere he has an animal mother.

Sounds more like Battle Beyond the Stars to me.

Quantum Leap! And yeah, I had an A-Team tricycle, no joke…

Generally speaking, when a player looks for a flag after the whistle, he's doing it physically. There are still one or two players who fall to ground and search for the true inner flag within us all, but they're the exception in the modern game.

what a hokey comment.

And it's not like they had a Tony Gonzalez.

"This is the kind of team, what they're gonna wanna do is throw the ball, and then run it down the field." -John Madden, bless his heart.

Andrew Luck is, by a wide margin, the biggest goober ever to be a star in the NFL. Possibly the biggest in all of sports, give or take a Zach Grienke. Did you listen to Luck talk? When he talks my first thought is always that I could probably beat him up. I almost certainly cannot beat him up.

I listened to a lot more of it in the late 80s than I ever did in 2010.

How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb?

I hate to be the one to break the news, but they're all a computer program.

In terms of game mechanics, I've always seen Chrono Trigger as Final Fantasy 6.5, although it is much different in terms of tone and scale. Also, people always forget about Chrono Cross. It's a lot less polished than Chrono Trigger (to the point it feels like the discarded remains of 2 to 3 potentially good games)

*does some quick research*