
Seismic charges in space?

Ugh, the damned scene in Dumb and Dumber where the blind kid is petting the bird with the fake head repeating "pretty bird!" I absolutely burst into tears. No one else watching the movie seemed to be in the same frame of mind…

*hangs head in reverence*

I enjoyed 3 just fine when it first came out, but having sunk hundreds of hours into New Vegas it's difficult to think of Fallout 3 as anything more than a Proof Of Concept.

Nope, just sexualized and violent.

Fiction has always had that bizarre tendency toward revisionism.

It's misleading to claim anything "stars" Patrick Bergin

Whose tongue?!

Well, fair enough. I was reading it more as a critique, but "recoil in horror" is actually a perfectly valid response to this film if you haven't seen it in a dozen years.

I won't defend this movie, cause it's bad, but I do want to say this: I still enjoy it. This is in part due to sentimentality, in part due to an undying crush on Kevin Costner, but largely due to an instinct, as a movie nerd, to find a way to appreciate bad movies. This movie has more than enough hooks to grab onto,

The Last Starfighter isn't really a fair example, I'm pretty sure that movie uses cheat codes.

Don't let the name fool you… in real life, I'm actually quite big.

Yeah, not that she doesn't raise valid points, but I think you're on the money. It's not a particularly good movie, but when she starts complaining about the villains being so reprehensible, well, it starts to feel like a hit piece aimed at a bit of cultural flotsam…

Yeah, it actually was a really solid game. At the end of the day "sanity meter" was just a number you wanted to be high, and we're all good at managing those numbers. The sanity effects could be cool, and were sort of an incentive for poor play and experimentation, but this thing was going to live or die on whether

Don't worry, buddy. Lots of people still struggle with object permanence.

So if we collect enough man-hearts, we'll be truly free?

Star Wars is considerably more relevant to this conversation than the fact that there are things to which it is not relevant.

Parsecs aren't units of speed, but that's far from the worst mistake Lucas makes. For instance, did you know a credit isn't actually a unit of money? Or that robots aren't called droids? Honestly, about the only thing he got right is that Sir Alec Guinness was secretly a space wizard named Obi-Wan Kenobi.

It's just a trailer. Let's not take anything for granite.