
You shouldn't joke about that. MCA died cause he was so ill.

Ike actually didn't return salutes after he took the presidency

"Chris Claremont is the best Chris Claremont out there. No doubt about it." -John Byrne

A lightning bolt will keep you at bay!

Yeah, stupid life. Always watching stuff. With its various eyeballs.

one two tres cuatro!

That's the only thing my doctor's ever told me.

And you can cook it in muffin tins for meat loaf on the go! They're a bit dry, but the convenience factor is sometimes worth it. Plus, you know, if you show up at a picnic with meat muffins, people will take notice.

LifeHack: it's alt+0233 on a PC, option+e followed by another e on a mac.

I was once dragged toward a damn fool scheme by some crazy woman with whom I was in a relationship, but I bailed at the last minute and went to Subway instead for a six inch sweet onion chicken teriyaki with extra green peppers. She ended up completing the scheme with an ex-boyfriend who was, not coincidentally, also

Actually I think the "es" makes it possessive.

The only thing that sticks out at this point is Gordon Bombay is named after two kinds of gin.


When I was in fifth grade my teacher apparently told my parents in some sort of conference that I was the only student who knew how to use "the back of the book" and it was absolutely because of Carmen Sandiego games. Hearing that story now, though, my only thought is "It was your job to teach the other students

I remember thinking at the time, "This must be the best encyclopedia in the world! It has every answer I look for!"

a writhing mass of teeth and hair

Papa Midnite's: Better ingredients. Better voodoo.

you know that guy off in whose camper they where whacking?

I'd be strong too if I were a couple of different guys.