
When the flush of a new-born sun fell first on Eden's green and gold,
Our father Adam sat under the Tree and scratched with a stick in the mould;
And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart,
Till the Devil whispered behind the leaves, "It's pretty, but is it art?”

A lot of the Google suggestions are based on local factors, like your location and past searches. For instance, when I type in "Ace of Base," rather than "white supremacy" my only suggestion is "butt dimples."

Strangely, I still absolutely do that. Even more strangely, I'm really embarrassed by it. It's not uncommon for me to activate a "private session" on spotify specifically so I can queue up 11 instances of Venus by Television or whatever is in my head.

Not that it's a big deal, but Jack in the Box isn't west coast only. I'm less than a mile from one, and almost 2,000 miles from the west coast. Their tacos* are two for a dollar and are pretty edible if you're hammered.

I've never understood this "market" notion. Nothing but occult poppycock, I say. You may as believe in gravity! Action at a distance, my word, what is the world coming to…

Also, if PT is "prequel trilogy" then I don't think Ahsoka was even in it?

Ahsoka, not Ashoka. I know that because her voice actress married a baseball gnome I'm fond of.

He actually first appeared in the Holiday Special, pre-dating most of the original trilogy and giving him priority over many other stupid characters. He had a whole animated segment about how he pretended to be Luke's friend but then proved to not be Luke's friend, establishing his character as devious indeed.

Universal health coverage scheme? I'm not trying to fault the Affordable Care Act, but comparing it to universal health care coverage seems like ceding the whole fight, at least to this progressive stickler…

One of the best back handed compliments I've ever heard: "Obama is running the most organized campaign I've seen since Nixon." -Ben Stein, 2008

Teddy Roosevelt?

oh burn! #burn #harshbro #totallyhashed #whoviantellsit #kingsofleon #warofthreesanchos

Hey, don't disrespect McCain! That man is the Tyrannosaurus of the Senate!

can't or won't? cause one of those sounds like a reason to get the police involved…

Alex Kidd! Good god, the hours I sank trying to get good at Enchanted Castle before I figured out that game was not fun…

Psh, you're only saying that because it's accurate and relevant.

That is precisely why the English invented gin.

Assuming shame is not a factor, evaporated milk over fruit loops, sausage and thick cut bacon with maple syrup, and over-steeped black tea. I like it bitter and mean.

I'd advise against the phrase "go to [place] for work detail." That's gonna put most people on edge, probably not attract a lot of customers.

Elisha, right? I may just be drunkenly misremembering, but doesn't it actually specify she-bears? In the King James?