
I was on there for a free trial and was actually matched exclusively with people from a race other than my own. Maybe they were making incorrect assumptions about mine based on my devastatingly savvy use of the free trial period…

It was originally Mike Tyson, but they changed it to Mr. Dream

that article WAS written before the one about nintendo, so everything seems to be in order…

just monotypical?

Boots' article does feature the line, "Tommen liked nothing better than jerking it," so there's that.


My all time favorite was when Cyclops was "killed" by merging with Apocalypse. Then he just sort of shows up a few months later. He's called out on being dead at some point and the response is, "No, I was presumed dead. Huge difference."

I remember a simpler time when Scott's reaction to everything was to quit in a huff and become a stevedor for a few months. Hopefully not that.

It was a surprise largely because it wasn't planned. Editor in Chief Jim Shooter came down with a vengence after Claremont and Byrne had Jean murder a solar system. Salicrup, who had been the editor of the series, was removed from his post and they weren't given many viable options other than killing her off.

Along with his rival, the dastardly Benvereen

You'd be surprised how much racism is actually just specious.

It's a lot cheaper if you buy it used.

I once bought a copy of Fallout: New Vegas: Regular Type in a Fallout: New Vegas: Ultimate Edition case off of e-bay. It wasn't at all clear in the photo. I read close enough to realize it, and actually got a good price, but still felt kind of dumb buying from a guy who was so clearly trying to trick me…

Babies, man. What are they trying to pull? Don't they know everybody's growed up now?

Hey, Adam Dunn has a real chance at 500 home runs and 3,000 strikeouts. he could be the first man to make the hall of fame as both a batter and as an opposing pitcher.

That's EXACTLY what I remember about that film, right down to being incredibly high. Talk about the increasing homogenization of the human experience as the speed of communication continues to increase, amirite?

it's about cyborg rights. closely related to gay rights, with the main difference being that the sirens go doo-doo.

I was in somebody else's city recently and a guy on the radio called Family Guy the best written show on television. It was the most affecting koan I'd ever run into.

I'd say take existential comfort where ever you can get it. That shit's hard to come by.

And let's not forget Germany Schaefer, who started going by Liberty in 1917 and was also (as far as I know) the only man in MLB history to steal first base from second.