
The genius of it is, you soak it in ice water for about an hour so it holds its shape, then you deep fry it for about five minutes root-side up…

The gorehounds around here are really becoming a problem. I've got some raw meat in chicken wire set up away from the house to try to keep them occupied/sated, but I swear the things get bolder every night.

It's got to be a chocolate Jesus
Makes me feel good inside
Got to be a chocolate Jesus
Keeps me satisfied

she also cheated on what's-his-hair!

You had me at "army of ax-wielding, hunchbacked hoboes"

Well, I don't know much about Santa, but I can tell you St. Nicholas was actually fervently against Arians.

Yeah, as someone who reads avclub to get a break from grading terrible history papers, this article drove me kind of bonkers. Still, it's just a movie review, you can't hold it to the standards of, well, anything I guess really. And I'm sure his intentions were good?

Well, that's fair, although Sidd makes the transition to full blown yuppie pretty cleanly before doubling back. I apologize, I get real prickly when people try to frame issues of spirituality as first world problems, but re-reading, my bad here..

Asceticism is not the same thing as "pretending to be poor." If there is a correlation between asceticism and wealth it's not one that I've seen demonstrated, and there are certainly poor and wealthy individuals who are ascetics as well as poor and wealthy individuals who are not in the least ascetics. I'm not sure

It's not a bad skill to have. I got paid for it once, rolling fake joints for a production of Hair. Also, one time a member of the opposite sex said, "wow, you're really good at that" so I got that going for me.

Nonsense, Pilates are great for your health.

seriously, though, hip-hop culture may not be the most racially diverse scene (or it may be, I haven't counted), but it's neither monochromatic nor monolithic and conflating it with race seems way more problematic to me than treating it as a coherent culture against which one can react.

"Written by Lorde and Joel Little, the lyrics came under fire for being racist for a brief period last fall, because the singer rejects hip-hop culture by choosing the signifiers predominantly associated with African-American rappers. These arguments had a point."

Yeah, I'm actually suddenly very interested in whether the traditionally inanimate characters can be assumed to be without sex, but I guess (hope) that's probably not directly addressed in the show.

Ha, maybe I should watch more regularly.

Oh neat. Does the lady made of bubblegum have a sex?

Ok, I don't watch this show regularly, but is Beemo not female?

well, it was so they couldn't recognize him over the phone.