I think there are legitimate criticisms to be made re: her motivations but you’re right. We don’t know them and all she’s displayed is an at-times air headed tenacity to befriend these terrible people.
I think there are legitimate criticisms to be made re: her motivations but you’re right. We don’t know them and all she’s displayed is an at-times air headed tenacity to befriend these terrible people.
It really does! He is now financially responsible for his entire family after his father’s bankruptcy. Someone else in another comment was talking about how it was gross that he made a big deal about giving his brother $5k for school, but you have to keep in mind that James is paying for that kid’s education! He is the…
You’ll find a lot of people who share that opinion but I disagree. Kid has major emotional control and substance abuse issues, but he’s far from the worst.
Ehhhh I think you’ll get into tricky territory defending any of the cast being on television “in an era of MeToo”. We’ve watched Jax emotionally abuse women for 7 seasons but James calls someone fat and he’s cancelled? The whole point is that these people are hot garbage and James is one of the few cast members remaini…
I’ve really come around to Raquel. The way she dealt with everyone being needlessly terrible to her all season was pretty inspiring, tbh. I like that she’s reclaimed the “bambie-eyed bitch” thing too.
Yea they deserve each other
Loool I love that you’ve remained a VPR purest and never gone digging for more info on Lala’s “man”
It’s mesmerizing because it’s like watching a slow motion train wreck. It has staying power where other reality tv shows fail because these people were all actual friends IRL before the show started. They’re definitely starting to phone it in now that they’ve gotten paid lavishly and they’ve gotten too buddy buddy…
Lala also has a history of saying she is Tupac reincarnated sooo... team no one.
Yea I’m going to stay in perfect platonic friendship land and not sully our heroes. His fiance is adorable.
It’s Alive is what got me into Bon Appetit but I love them all so much now. One of Brad’s first foray into the wilderness when he went pheasant hunting really sealed the deal for me. Big, goofy, brawny cook who also happens to be a steward of the land? I’m done.
Ok so I should stop reading into how bad my therapist’s office is decorated?
Right? Please don’t come on here suggesting experimental drug therapy through a TED talk to someone talking about their struggle with addiction. Go eat molly in your own time.
I’m not arguing that there is one? Though I’m pretty sure there are significantly more safety measures built into traveling on buses and trains than getting into some random person’s car.
When the person could be of minor age and you’re asked to take them across state lines.
It’s true. I am only just now comfortable with quinoa and couscous which are FOOLPROOF. Working my way up to rice.
Wow no you are certainly an angel not a monster. I would only ever bring prepped ingredients for a salad or something.
It’s a reference to a joke in Schitt’s Creek
Haha oh I would never! I actually tried a number of different recipes at work potlucks and no one particularly cared for anything I made. They tended to veer toward the buffalo chicken dip-like offerings so I figure it’s not worth my time or energy to try.