Quacks McDuck

feminism absolves cheese wife pack it up folks

Did you read the letter PPGNY staff wrote to bring light to McQuade’s behavior? It’s like that, but everywhere. White executive leadership and boards protecting their own self interests and perpetuating white supremacist structures of power. Direct service providers are underpaid, undervalued, overworked. Fragile

As a former employee of an affiliate - it’s no dream job.


I listen to SUP podcast (which i dont really recommend honestly lol but I’m in deep) and they said Stassi’s been open on her own podcast about abusing adderall and Beau getting her to stop. Her murder birthday and joint bday party with Ariana blowups are because she took adderall to keep drinking and blacked out,

I want to see a RH/VPR world where the drug use is acknowledged. We got some talk of it during last season’s reunion in VPR when they talked about “other drugs” James does when drinking, but the show would honestly benefit from people being frank about Jax and Brittany’s coke use, to name one glaringly obvious example

Mayor Pete dropping out was a middle finger in the face of Sanders who gives a shit what drivel came out of his actual mouth

Let ‘er rip

What the hell are you talking about? All of the people I know who are Bernie supporters IRL are out there organizing and the reluctant Biden supporters are washing their hands of the election cycle.

‘Sup I identify as a woman and you suck

Might I remind you Biden has a credible rape allegation against him so maligning people who are unwilling to vote for him is... not the look you think it is

“Finally getting out” when less than half of the states have had their primaries. Electoral politics are so fucked 

It’s... explicitly not liberal? You know there are other political ideologies outside of conservative/liberal and people on the left aren’t all liberal?

“Participating ethically” by purchasing a home in a minority neighborhood and hiking up the rent.................................

I don’t mind riding horses but it made my sister walk bow-legged as a child so not an interest of mine. I don’t think anyone was accused of being a slumlord - it was just pointed out that these obnoxious celebrities own a home for passive income which is, in my opinion yes, morally questionable to the point of

You can... own an apartment 

Libel is when I think landlords are swell and someone disagrees with me

Wow probably shouldn’t be surprised but the landlord apologists run deep here!