Quacks McDuck

I work at a repro-rights org with a majority-woman office. We were playing a game during a holiday party where someone holds a card to their forehead with a celebrity’s name and their teammates have to give them clues about who it is. One of my only male coworkers at the time was on a team where someone was holding

Also like this billboard that presents in multiple different variations around town

Oh god I was so embarrassed for my 15yo self when I went to re-watch the movie as an adult. I watched it TWICE IN ROW once the teenage brain is a nightmare.

OKOKOK but Dinner Party is a contender.

Lindsey Weber of Who Weekly is calling all of these I need to go back and re-listen.

Bully for you? 

Yes for like almost a year now. I have to wipe my browser history clean and it’s too much of a hassle to do every time I want to comment so I’ve just stuck to desk/laptop posting - which has drastically decreased the frequency. 

Hula-hooping. It’s a thing white girls with dreadlocks do.

Eh you’re right I think I’m thinking of the Tommy Lee sex tape. Her whole shtick is overtly sexual tho. 

also like - is a porn actress??? Not that there’s anything wrong w that but don’t bite the hand that feeds ya’ Pammy 


I feel like so many of these problems could be solved if people just worked in a restaurant once in their lives. Do a stint. It’ll do you good. 

True. Especially coming from teenagers who haven’t quite had their empathy buttons fine-tuned yet.

Thankfully she’s 16 (15?? idk i’m old) so there’s time to learn and reverse the damage.

This happened to one of our educators too. Last year. She was giving a presentation AT A COLLEGE talking about correct condom usage and a wild-eyed professor kept shouting bible verses over her. It’s ludicrous. 

Yep. They learn your name, videotape you walking into the health center while shouting said name on a megaphone, post said video on social media, scream into your car window if it’s rolled down, all while pacing back and forth rabidly. Even the soft-spoken ones have a gross sinister feel to them.

I don’t think anyone outright says “this is false” but they will make it very apparent they are legally mandated to provide this information that has not been medically proven.

Listen to Seabassy but I will also flag that OP’s link goes to a PPFA-run site and you have to make a point to go into the “Specific Giving” tab and chose Planned Parenthood Great Plains if you want to give to Dr. Ho’s practice.

Yea there is a definite difference between - “Your hairline is ugly and I hate it” and “Your ponytail appears to be causing your hair damage due to its tightness” 

Thank you!? Also has a $5 45-minute tour with samples, an incredible beer hall with all of their standard offerings and a test bar of beer not-in-production, and do a ton of fun community activities like Sunday bingo, Thursday trivia, craft nights, etc.