Quacks McDuck

My whole family is pretty conservative and my sister admitted to voting third party, and then later texted me when things were starting to go south saying that she secretly wished Hillary would win. YOU COULD HAVE JUST VOTED FOR HER, YOU KNOW.

I know I’ve felt like such a wimp but I just can’t do it yet. NPR during the commute has also fallen away the past couple of days. I try but the second I hear “president elect Trump” off it goes.

Last night as the first polls closed a struck a women on the highway going 60+ mph. She in turn struck another vehicle who in turn struck another. I caused a collision that sent 4 people, including an infant, to the hospital because of one second of inattentive driving. I voted yesterday, but still the symbolism is

Anti-vaxxing. In my defense it was an op-ed to the school newspaper against the flu shot but I was rightfully torn asunder by a med student the next day.

I really enjoyed it!!

Ahhhhh I’ve recently begun a flirtation with an office bro who uses “gainz” and I can’t tell if it’s ironic or if I should be ashamed of myself.

I pee in the shower and I don’t wash my legs and it’s taken 26 years to realize that I thus don’t ever scrub the urine off of them hahahahaha

I do wash my feet but my feet also have a tendency to smell. It’s really annoying because I’ve got these cute fuckin’ sandals that I wear to work but I think they’re part of the problem...

Me tooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg I went with 4 girlfriends and the amount and range of tears that were shed throughout the entire show was almost impressive.

She also reminds me a lot of Sarah Paulson!

Then did it actually happen?!

If you feel the need to announce on Facebook that you're done with Facebook, you are not done with Facebook.

Oh yea she was awful. I'm shocked Oprah thought it would have turned out any other way.

YAAAS. Fuck Mizzou

She looks so good!

Did you ever watch the oxygen-produced docuseries about her? My interest waned about the time hers seemed to have but it was fascinating non-the-less.

Having seen a number in real life, that is exactly how it works.

If an American celebrity goes to Africa and doesn’t document it, did it actually happen?

God knows what he would have done presented a coke bottle...

This is my sister’s mentality with her own children. Though she’s obviously the person that knows them the best, they are too young (or in Messing’s case, don’t speak the same language) to give consent to their image on the Internet. These are real human beings. Not extensions of yourself, not symbols for your