I've looked in my area and unfortunately there aren't any SMART programs (I live in the Midwest). Though I've heard they do some stuff online?
I've looked in my area and unfortunately there aren't any SMART programs (I live in the Midwest). Though I've heard they do some stuff online?
Have you ever heard of naltrexone? It’s an opioid antagonist that was developed in the 70's for heroin abuse (stick with me). David Sinclair, an American scientist who moved to Finland to work on alcohol abuse disorder developed a method called “The Sinclair Method” that requires his patients undergo therapy in…
Is it on April 30th again? The gods rain favors upon my birthday?!
Omg when is the White House Correspondents Dinner this year? Scorched earth Obama is gonna be the best Obama!
These are the people that scare me the most. Seemingly educated and eloquent white people who could probably beat me in an argument that hold to their racism like a safety blanket. BUT don't ever call them racist! They enjoy the super bowl! Black and white players on a team together! Stop tearing off the bandaid!
Ding ding ding!
not selfish. smart.
He has! He’s being FORCED to sell them out of a suitcase in the City of Roses! Life’s hard guys!
Yea but doesn’t he live in Portland? You do not need a drivers license in that city because everyone walks or rides that godforsaken tram. Cost of living can't be cheap either.
Yea it’s like if you’re trying to hack it as a writer and you can’t even make $10,000/yr maybe that’s your sign...
haha brutal
My Ego would like to share with you that it is more important to be right than to be popular.
I love how they cherry pick the first amendment to cover their hateful speech but gloss over freedom of assembly. When Ted Cruz said yesterday that the first amendment doesn’t cover the right to interrupt someone I was like, “IT SURE AS SHIT DOES. YOU GET THE RIGHT TO SAY STUPID SHIT AND WE GET THE RIGHT TO CALL YOU…
Not enough stars.
Right? My armchair psychology degree leads me to believe the OP has some unresolved issues with his/her adoptive parents.
My father and Oscar de la Hoya have that in common.
Had this exact moment happen to me last night by two fervent Bernie supporters, one of whom is Latina. I was just like 😐😐😐
Judgemental can actually be spelled with or without the “e”, but thank you for making broad sweeping statements about my perceived literacy. You're obviously here to have informative, nuanced discussions and not troll. Got it.