Fair enough.
Fair enough.
Which is why you deleted it?
I like that you “showed your ass” without actually insulting anyone else in the thread or resorting to name calling. Hmmm
I don’t think pointing out that strippers in small towns have notoriously bad wardrobes is necessarily “demonizing”
It... doesn't...
Love this
Ruined a nalgene that way in high school. No regrets.
Do reconsider! I’m the same way. Can’t stand frangipane or anything with almond paste or extract (which I think has the taste of marishino cherries. hork) but unsweetened almond milk is my jaaaaam. Granted I’m not a milk drinker by nature but it’s my favorite coffee additive or “oh god so late for work better slam…
Missouri literally fought to join the country as part of the confederacy so they’ve always had a dog in this fight.
You actually can be charged for an OUI or some similar offense for riding a horse drunk, but there was one crazy story where a man defended himself because he was such a drunk and rode the horse to and from the bar so often that his lawyer successfully argued that he was in no way "operating" the horse because it knew…
Life goals.
this actually happened at my bakery last week. It's not Cut the Cake, but I fielded the initial call of someone wanting a "Gay Marriage is Wrong" cake for their "Traditional Marriage". It was obviously some sort of stunt to me so I put them on hold and had no idea what to do since my GM wasn't in. My assistant FOH…
I was 18 at a long running music festival in my state. I was dabbling with hallucinogens at the time (to no positive avail. I think I have more bad trip stories than good ones. I’m too anxious) and a friend handed me a bottle of whiskey and jokingly told me to “kill it.” There was quite a bit left and I chugged it,…
it was incense used to mask the pot
wtf r u even talking about
Vera Bradley if I'm not mistaken?
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom