hahahahaha Aaron only stopped talking about it when Duff asked him to. Sorry braj. Your ass was publicly pathetic to the point of harassment and she's allowed to talk about that wheneeeeeeever she wants.
hahahahaha Aaron only stopped talking about it when Duff asked him to. Sorry braj. Your ass was publicly pathetic to the point of harassment and she's allowed to talk about that wheneeeeeeever she wants.
my place of work recently got a 2 star rating because we ran out of 1 dollar bills for precisely 1 minute.
totally unrelated but I had to double take on your avatar picture because I'm from Manhattan and so damn used to seeing that powercat that I didn't even think about it at first. That and fuck you guys for last night.
haha I had a white roommate who kept up on her dread maintainence and she looked great. The whole thing just stinks of cultural appropriation to me tho and it puts a bad taste in my mouth.
Thankfully I think the mindset is shifting to White person with dreads: deadbeat, clueless, burnout.
There's a social imperative that requires a woman's cavalier experience toward abortion. I know from experience. But to place it into either category of emotionally devastating or devoid is to do the human experience a disservice. I know that sounds douchey but there is so much more that goes into that emotional and…
thank you. She's just written as Hannah's foil. Even the most cavalier abortion is not treated with this sort of disregard.
oh like mine where I paid 300 out of pocket?
Sadly, this.
I have a school photo with a woodland backdrop, wearing jnco jeans, a fubu jersey, and white butterfly clips separating my hair into 6 little pieces.
as a fellow sassy maggie I feel both akin and inclined to tell you to google the sassy maggie meme.
"just take some Motrin" are the four least favorite words a hypochondriac child can hear.
I was kind of a hypochondriac as a kid and bugged the shit out of my medically professed father. Even in the event when I actually needed a doctor he would just call a friend and get whatever prescription I needed. Fucking butterfly tape kept me from many exciting emergency room visits.
I told my first grade teacher that my mother was pregnant full knowing this not to be the case. My sister, the big sixth grader, swung by the classroom to retrieve me after school and my teacher congratulated her on the big news! Needless to say my sister busted me out in the car later to my mother.
if your momma and the education system failed how could I really help you
and we're all worse off because so
I am currently dating one. I had to talk him out of pulling it out with his teeth. I'm all good with bodily fluids but I do not want to see a bloody tampon dangling from your mouth no sir.
seriously. Since the water can wash away all the natural sexy lubricant the period blood helps to keep everything all juiced.