
I was always blown away by Riven, visually. When I was younger I barely solved a single puzzle, but I just loved the cable car, the lake, the foliage, it was all gorgeous and intriguing.

I agree, that always annoyed me about the Halo games; the settings never felt real in any meaningful way. I remember how much I hated the multiplayer maps maps of Halo Reach for that reason; there's a level that's meant to be a hotel but you would literally never guess that in a million years unless you were told it.

Of course Erik Adams was influenced by Talking Heads. He really has that take on fashion down. As soon as I saw the comparison it seemed obvious!

No, I agree, I think it fits her character, but it just highlights the problem with putting these fun characters in this dour looking film.

The line when Harley was driving the car 'Hope you have insurance!' made me cringe so much. I mean, in a cheerier film that could work, but with that background music it was just such a tonally confusing line…

Not a bad episode, but not quite at the levels of amazing chaos of previous series' role swapping; I see this episode of the Return of the Jedi in the trilogy of Potluck, Rehab and now Campaign Day episodes.

Chief's Baboon was the mvp of this episode. Those keyboard attacks and that melancholy look when accused were fucking hilarious.

"Louis CK is misspelled (Louie CK)" are you serious with this? Want to scroll up to the top there and check the name of this show?

Yeah my bad on the dates, but the Albarn touch is felt heavily I think. I would agree that Crazy Beat is probably the weakest song and is trying a bit hard. But I will defend Gene By Gene forever!

I'm just gonna use this space to say that Think Tank is an amazing album. Almost every track is great, and it's a clear precursor to Gorillaz. (We've Got A File is basically a better version of Punk ) Gene By Gene is fucking weird and amazing and probably one of my favorite Blur tracks ever.

Also if he shaves his head he looks like Varys from Game of Thrones.

Rilo Kiley, who writes threatening notes with his Stylo Pen.

Rylo Ken? Was that intentional? Because I feel that's going to stick in my mind as his real name. Ken. Rylo Ken. Much cooler than Kylo Ren, amirite!?

Yeah, that is definitely important. [I'm mostly just playing devil's advocate with my original comment, interested to hear slightly more considered reactions that some of what I've been seeing]

Just dropping this in because I've seen some inaccurate figures, but of Twin Peaks' 30 existing episodes, Lynch directed 6. Make of that what you will.

Off the top of my head I can't think of anything else on T.V. that has made me feel quite as uncomfortable as that piercing scene. It was just so grim, physically, morally, the whole package. I could barely finish my breakfast!

'Neither Boyle nor Hurley' Do you mean Neither Boyle nor Marshall ?

Heat Vision and Jack

I've always found Halo's stories to be weak. Master Chief is a dull protagonist by definition, the storytelling is unemotional, formulaic and mostly shoehorned in. ODST was great in attempting to do something more down to earth [lol play on words], but I felt it was let down by some formulaic play; it's not quite