
That film scared the shit out of me as a kid

I couldn't even remember Tiffany's previous appearances whilst watching this episode. I found some of the direction a bit off point; that part where Finn's imaginary thought fly appeared in a bubble along with some of the other thoughts of Finn and Tiffany just seemed a bit off. Plus I felt like that gag at the end

No, they're for fans, promise, look, the last track is a remix you might want? A B-Side from that single that no one bought? An unreleased demo? A live recording? Some other shit they could find that attempts to make their existing fans buy the same shit again? GOTTA HAVE IT!

Of course Rick poops. Where do you think Lincoln Logs come from?

Decent headphones are nice, but I also love my powerful 2.1 setup. The sound really fills my room and on occasion I've turned my actual head right or left at a directional in-game noise [then felt dumb].
I know a more fine tuned version of this can be achieved with more speakers or some surround sound headphones, but

Was it really a common misconception that you cannot hold your breath forever? Really now?

I have two books signed to me by Iain Banks, from a talk about three years before his death.

I've always thought the VFX in bsg were great, especially for a television show. I think they a effective partially because they keep things low key unless flashiness is really on the menu, but alongside the camera work they give one of the most convincing depictions of outer space I've ever seen.

Yeah, it's ridiculous. I think a combo of what a minor character he is coupled with the fact that Callsigns are generally unexplained just makes that a clear writerly cop out. In other news, people have stupid call signs on BSG.


I haven't read through the comment section to see if it's already been mentioned [I'm lazy] but the excellent webcomic Darths and Droids is currently on episode iv, and one of the main story points is C3PO's fight for droid rights.

For fans of The Stanley Parable; although not listed in the credits, I'm fairly sure the voice of the bank security system was Kevan Brighting, aka The Narrator.

What a corny, awful, episode. B- is too high.

I read somewhere that going back and comparing his telling of the events in the documentary with the actual recorded facts, it became clear that he had confused some of the details of what had actually happened with parts of the film. Not sure to what degree, but it's a pretty interesting basis for analyzing

Okay, sorry, I didn't read the rest of the article for fear of further spoilers. I see Todd's point, and I understand he felt opening in that way was necessary to communicate his point, but putting that stark opening statement to make his piece read well was to 'prioritize the individual over everybody else. '

Did I just get the TV show I'm about to start watching spoiled for me? Thanks Todd… guess I was an idiot for clicking on this article in the first place.

Could anyone read the names on the record? They seemed almost legible when Blue Nose went over to it in his second act; was wondering if it might have had something on it?

Oh yes of course, thanks for the clarification. I'm always wary of looking up the things I've forgotten about in case of seeing book spoilers. Cheers for aiding my pathetic memory.

So, was Lysa, like, The Queen, back in the day? The littlefinger revelation has made me think back [with difficulty] to remembering all the things that happened in and before the first episodes.