
You win one internets.

2011 feels like yesterday! & I'm glad you took the healthy path.

This x 1,000,000

& that's more or less what will happen.

I'm amazed this happened in Florida!

All of his chins congratulated her.

Francis. Bacon.

Ruby isn't really a functional language in any modern sense. Nor is Python, of course.

Thank god.

Where is the "none of the above" option?

Or both. It's not like most kids have good diets.

Putting a high priority on meeting protein needs first, would work better, I think.

That's not idiotic at all. It's the really important question. And with 99% probability we know the answer is junk food and soda.

The AI winter resulted from the collapse of military funding once it was clear that "Star Wars" was hopelessly infeasible. See Richard P. Gabriel's memoir on the history of Lucid for the details (he was there for the boom and bust).

Sanctimonious, evil crap. How many times did they mention "the troops"?

I'm in love. This man is a genius. I didn't see them all yet - I am waiting for the Tom Gauld!

What about the book?

Obstinacy* (obstinance isn't a word)