We’re not talking enough about the font of the badge, very non-jalop.
We’re not talking enough about the font of the badge, very non-jalop.
Miss those.
I dislike this grille, though I’m willing to believe that car is wonderful. It’s stuck in a design language going back 100 years and built around a radiator inlet, which is obviously doesn’t have. Would have been better just to jump fully into new form because new function, make the whole thing slipperier and carve…
I’m much more interested in the little old lady than the car. A shiver has gone up my back realizing that I am certain to be “that nice old gentlemen who kept his car in the garage for the last ten years of his life, unable to sell it but also unable to drive it until he recovered from one last illness.”
What would the fuel economy be on your Tacoma if it was carrying around 1,000 fewer pounds of metal?
No, there have been “gentlemen drivers” probably as long as there has been racing, but I think this particular term came about after SpeedRacer was on the air.
A team is created just so a driver can drive, whether he or she has any talent or not, most often by the young driver’s family.
Anduril is a hedge fund that has bought some good engineers. Just like their related product, Palantir, the owners have developed some moderately interesting technology. What they’ve mastered, however, is the Military Industrial Complex. They specialize in going through members of Congress to drive demand and provide…
Come on back, dude, the flag’s banned.
Because, so far, most of us are men.
This is the correct answer.
These wheels also provide “every degree of freedom” but are a hell of a lot more useful lock to lock than whatever that Tesla thing was. Even a wheel can control a vehicle in pitch and roll if it’s articulated to do that.
Needs more discussion of “Disruption” and “Synergies.” You know, the way Ja Rule disrupted music festivals on islands and those college kids disrupted vaccinations in Philly.
Not sure that abbreviated badge on the rear deck is going to go over well
The EU charged VW $35 Billion in fines, and there are more to come. Martin Winterkorn, the CEO, was charged with fraud. Rupert Stadler, later the CEO of Audi, was arrested. Someth9ng like 20 other executives have been charged. More fines are expected, as the court cases have yet to be concluded.
Rogue One FTW
I’m not sure *I* get it. I mean, it sounds cool, but that’s because I associate it with GTI seats!
Can’t ANYONE make a new movie without it being a sequel? Are there NO other names that can signify power without falling back on the brand for an entirely different technology? Where’s my “Valance Shell Electron!” package?
Yup, though I’m not convinced most consumers know that and give it any mind share.
I think this is one of those digital, rather than analog, issues: “Is this a problem or not?” Seeing as Volkswagen, another German manufacturer and one therefore a bit adjacent in the public mind, had a somewhat close to death experience over emissions, I don’t blame Porsche at all for saying “Shut it all down until…