Quietly Simmering

Leverage. Not just Robin Hood vibes of sticking up for the little guy, but the competence of every member of the team in their area of expertise. The way they learn and grow together, and are able to rely on each other showing confidence in their team, is just delightful. 

There’s a Lego game sale on the Xbox right now, so I’ll be playing “watch the kids plasy Lego Movie 2 game until they get bored”, most likely.

“Works as intended - closing ticket"

I have an extensive backlog I’ve been chipping away at. I also ditched all that to take an Xbox modded Skyrim out for a spin when it came to Gamepass (I own it, but not the final super deluxe all in version apparently, so it was new ish!) After both the Thieves’ Guild and Mage Guild quest lines broke and could not

I am getting back into Control. I devoured it when it came out, then set it aside and missed the DLC. played it more deliberately this time, but got sidetracked when something I was really excited for came out a little while back. Now I'm going to finish it up and finally find out just what this Alan Wake fellow

I'm diligently working my backlog after buying way too many big titles during holiday sales. Presently samurai-ing it up on the island of Tsushima, I think I'm on track to wrap that up this weekend. Probably jump in an X Wing after that. 

Right?? Me 1: A Reaper attacks the White House. Reaction: well that could be anything!

I suspect I’m the only one, but can we just all agree to swap 1 and 2? Minor rewrites only. Shepard is a young idealist who gets in deep with Cerberus. She’s given her first command and undertakes a suicide mission and survives. Then she renounces her Cerberus ties and joins the military. There’s a year or so, where

I mean why do you think there aren't any vampires anymore? Cowboys got them. Think about it. 

I for one very much appreciate this article about Bloodborne and nothing else 🙃

We need to increase it. We have about a month to register as many new voters here in GA as possible. If we just repeat, we lose. After all, if everyone who voted Biden had also voted Warnock and Ossoff, they'd both be senators right now. We need more turnout, which means we need to give Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight and

Not going to lie, the first few hours are fiddly and a bit punishing, but if you read the tutorial messages carefully you should be ok. It spells it all out and it's just a matter of learning the UI and the base systems. It'll be second nature before long. The rewards for doing that are immense and apparently with

Y... Yes it was obviously rhetorical? I have no interest in giving money to transphobic bigots. Or really any bigots.

I'm glad she isn't "directly" involved. Does she get any money, though? Would any portion of my purchase go to that bigot? 

Does the photo mode include Kamala taking selfies with her arm stretched out really long to get a greaet wide angle view? I feel like the answer is likely no and if not, why not? 

What the heck is up with this “into the vault” limited release nonsense? Do they think we aren’t going to line up (virtually) to get these things day one? Because if they do they ain’t met their fans... 

Why do you care how someone else has fun? More options that allow more people to experience a piece of media is better. Do you get pissed off about subtitles being available? How about the brightness slider? Does it make you mad that people have access to a mouse and a trackpad on their laptops? Who cares how people

You know, I did a screenplay adaptation of Statement of Randolph Carter and worked with a little friend of a friend production company here in Atl. We deliberately did exactly that, cast mostly POC cast and mostly because it would have pissed Lovecraft off to have a black man play Warren, Carter's mentor. I can 100%

Is Netflix responsible for coding the game sequel? No? Then it is possible for them to develop the movie without any impact at all to the game development. 

Somebody had to say it! I’m a hero is what I am I’m the hero ok I’ll go