Somewhere out there is a universe where Prey 2 was released, Condemned 3 actually happened, and Trump never won the presidency...
Somewhere out there is a universe where Prey 2 was released, Condemned 3 actually happened, and Trump never won the presidency...
lol. there it is.
I believe it is wise to coax billionaires who are losing it, to waste their money on every foolish venture they can be convinced to. I am willing to pretend to be a right wing idiot to keep encouraging him with these dumbshit moves.
This is one of the easiest ways to make them lose their incredibly wasteful collection…
I’m completely in support of this move; watching Musk find fresh, dumb ways to burn money is a newfound hobby of mine.
Game Pass is a silly subscription service? This is a phenomenally stupid take.
Michael Jackson never advocated for a genocide. He also had better video games.
She has called for the eradication of a group of people. She is below shit, as is anyone who defends her.
Imagine if you devoted 1/10th of the energy you expended defending a billionaire on anything else. Like, for example, the people she brazenly wishes to disenfranchise.
The game was Arkham reskinned for Harry Potter, and the world-building in particular was breathtaking. As for J.K. Rowling, she is a piece of shit. Can’t deny that the woman created one of the best-selling franchises of all times though. I look at it like Michael Jackson, an even bigger piece of shit, but damn he made…
Go buy some more NFTs my guy.
I’m asking for a second chance, because I will never do anything like this again, and I never have in the past.
I was thinking of those 3 specifically when I wrote that post. In terms of creating human misery Kissinger is at least *tied* with Stalin and Mao, but unlike those two, he wasn’t responsible for turning an agrarian economy into an industrial economy. Instead, he destroyed countries to win elections for Republicans.
Bro, he’s dead. Sucking his dick now would literally be necrophilia
And? He’s easily in the top three greatest monsters of the 20th century. Every news article about him should start off with that.
That shot through the throat (and resulting blood splatter) was not what I was expecting from a trailer that had “Marvel Studios” titled 24 seconds into it.
Miles is, however, zero percent colonizer. Unlike Peter.
the flowers are cool and they are my friends. i will never silence them.
I mean, they could have easily paid a human being for that same help. Having to deal in English is far from a new or unsolved problem for overseas corporate executives. AI can be extremely useful as a sounding board to help with writing, but deferring to it to write your public apology statement for you is rather tone-…