Quietly Simmering

Let’s pretend for a moment that you’re right (you aren’t but whatever). I would ask why aren’t you outraged now? Even if what you are saying is 100% accurate, and, again, it is not, but even if that were entirely true, how does it make it better to say it’s been going on for a long time? If I’m following your argument

I expect nothing less.

Hold on I need details: is this PROCEDURAL llama petting or just a canned animation?

Steve Martin must be banned from tournament play tho.

Wait a minute Daisy... Ridley... Rey confirmed playable in Smash Ultimate??

*finger guns* I’m sorry, my mistake buddy, carry on. I’ll just be over here working on my time machine. Got a couple of quick stops to make around November 2016, then it’s off to pick of a copy of Starfield’s DLC complete GOTY edition and a console to run it on.

Dunno I’m pretty hype for a co-op lady led shooter doing French resistance style stuff in occupied Paris. That looks outstanding.

Yeah I can see that... But at the same time independent studios go under with shocking regularity. Even big ones. It might stifle the studios, but it might not. What it does mean is they get some guarantees about survival. I dunno it could be bad but from the studio’s standpoint who knows, maybe it was sell or crash.

Wow. Five new studios and a re-comittment to exclusives that’s as clear a “oops we fucked up let’s fix it” as I’ve heard from a major platform

Play New Vegas. And the mods after all this time are sure to be absolutely stellar. Also, make a new save and then lob a nuke at Caesar’s head when you meet him face to face. It’s clearly not the intended path of that storyline but it feels very, very, VERY good.

Still haven’t carved out time to olaey AC Origins, but I did buy it so the kidlet could run around in discovery mode. She loves it and has added the word parkour to her vocabulary. I’m actually looking forward to Ancie t Greece, this sounds like a good move for the series.

As the parent of a 4.5 year old this seems an ideal entry point into the series.

“It’s ok Tony! We had our own rampant AI outbreak here, about two hundred years ago. Oh what a day that was! Took all afternoon to fix.”

4th edition. The combat was all about placement, movement, and so on. It was very difficult to do 4e combat without miniatures.

Nobody took the hat. We’re just calling you out for wearing a racist symbol in public. Don’t want to be treated like a racist? Don’t wear a swastika or MAGA hat around people.

Dipshits: if you don’t want to be treated like a racist shit goblin, do not go out in public wearing a klan hood, swastika, or MAGA hat.

It’s a hard show to recommend. It can be popcorn fun but I don’t call them Time Idiots for no reason. It’s backed up on my dvr right now so it’s possible they made some improvements? I will say any episodes John Constantine makes an appearance are a treasure but that’s more about Constantine.

My very first Battletech game was at summer camp. I was a kid and I barely understood the rules, but tried it under the supervision of a slightly older and more experienced player. I was getting trounced of course, and had lost my weapons, so my final desperate move was to charge and punch the cockpit and damned if I

Best wishes! Get well soon. And good for you, another GA folk. (howdy neighbor? How y’all doin’? All that)

A coworker said recently “I think I’ll see if my wife wants to go see Rampage tonight” and I had to gently break it to him that, Rock or no, she absolutely did not want to see that. He reported in the next day that she vetoed it faster than any awful movie in recent memory.