As in “press A to play”, no one ever said that’s its easy...
As in “press A to play”, no one ever said that’s its easy...
That is a pretty solid list. Morrowind in an easy to play format alone is worth it, let alone Jedi Academy, Jade Empire, and Republic Commando. And frankly Hunter is a fun 4p co-op too.
I... I don’t know how to process the words you just typed. But ok, Far Cry 5! You do you!
So, flippant as this is going to sound I have to ask: what are the odds they put a “real” ending in the DLC? Because all these endings sound like garbage at best and deliberate final act twists that lack actual resolution at worst.
THIS! Every time I read a story about these entitled idiots I keep thinking that if they were even slightly smart they’d bend the fuck over backwards to reverse this trend because we’re about two steps away from setting up a guillotine and storming the Bastille.
After two weeks of mortal combat with my laptop I have a satisfactorily modded Skyrim up and running, steam link engaged, and controller Bluetoothed and functional. I genuinely thought I’d done it all in skyrim years ago but modded out its a whole new game.
Gotta say, I’m frankly pretty pumped about this. It already sounded like a fun chill exploration game, and a massive new update and available on my home system sounds perfect.
I mean it’s a small town but not the middle of the ocean. I went to school out there, it wasn’t a tiny town but it wasn’t huge and more than a decade ago I had cell service reliably. Plus you have to factor in things like land lines and sat phones. Still it’s not a huge stretch I suppose.
Wow he sounds like a real gem. Hard pass.
Aw man now I want mac and cheese.
Seems the cult controls the local media, that I’d actually buy. My biggest concern is internet? If they haven’t locked down literally all outside communications this shit will end up viral on Twitter in like thirty five minutes.
As a parent of two under four I can confidently say that based on the screen shots yeah it’s pretty much exactly like that.
Eh just enjoy the ride. Plus you get to build a cardboard piano!
Labo wooooooo right? The kiddos are going to have a ton of weird fun with that thing.
Hypothetical question: did Link name it? Some botanist? Or did the Koroks tell you it was a seed? I can’t remember but... I mean if Link just said “oh hey this plant gave me a seed, cool” maybe he doesn’t actually know/admit it might not be a seed at all? I’m happy, eager even, to mentally classify it as anything…
Counterpoint: if you have small children, every Korok seed is a chance for them to make adorable Korok noises and/or life affirmingly congratulate you for finding another piece of what is so clearly plant monster poop.
I just finished an end to end run of Pillars of Eternity in prep for 2 to drop in May. I have somehow decided that OBVIOUSLY the next thing to do is pick up Skyrim after several years. My plan is: dust off the steam link, lean how to use the steam controller, learn how mods work these days, (haven’t modded a game in…
I disagree with your opinion that a woman’s rights do not extend to her uterus in non life threatening cases. That said, you are not a religious fanatic. You appear to be religious, certainly, but not literally insane, which is what I was referring to. You acknowledge other points of view and take a moderate stance.…
She always seemed odd one out. I love that she cares about the commoners but she needed someone else to play off of. Blackwall would have been perfect: in addition to both of them having a low sense of humor he could have pushed her to consider consequences, to maybe take the plight of the commoners more seriously,…
I just can’t with these crazy religious fanatics. What kind of country do they want exactly? They are anti birth control and anti abortion. They want to destroy public schools, flood the nation with assault weapons, literally pour deadly chemicals directly into drinking water, and make sure no one has any access to…