I mean not from assholes, no.
I mean not from assholes, no.
Do continue to tell me what I know friend. I’ll counter by saying maybe you didn’t read the article? “This lets the expansion pivot away from the main game’s narratively weird celebration of its main heroes’ enslavement of orcs...” so based on that...yes there’s orc enslavement in the game? Idk!
Cool people have different levels comfort with different atrocities good to know.
Yeah I noticed there’s violence in games. Not sure how you took I hate video games from me specifically objecting to enslaving enemies but ok you do you dude
This is a good take thanks for the info! I love the idea of this game but am so turned off by the torture and enslavement of the orcs I can’t be bothered. The tone of this expansion seems to indicate they have finally noticed this thematic inconsistency and may move to adjust going forward.
Oh we’ll be reading and discussing absolutely. It’s the fact that she got caught repeatedly, denied it, and then was allowed to continue to teach that terrifies me. I bet she pulled a “ha ha who knows where kids pick things up but you know kids! Who are you going to believe?” I’d probably send my kid in with a wire at…
As a parent this is one of my recurring nightmares. The idea that some dimwitted sociopath might indoctrinate my kids in some regressive throwback bullshit while I’m not looking legit keeps me up at night.
Never been prouder to be a blue GA voter. If they think we aren’t going to remember them losing both Delta’s goodwill and any chance at the Amazon HQ in November they are remarkably mistaken. There aren’t any words for this level of stupidity and economic and political suicide.
Man I already own SUPERHOT because it’s awesome. Well better luck April.
Make your own waveform that seems like a treasure for weirdo ARG content somewhere in the future.
It isn’t for everyone, it’s super loosey goosey. If you’re used to tables and chapters full of crunch it takes some adjustment. I just had a game disastrously implode in part because a player who also GMs just despises the Powered by the Apocalypse systems hard enough to melt steel. But for kids? I think it’d be an…
Powered by the Apocalypse is another good system for less rigid introduction sessions. Dungeon World is great for just jumping in and letting them explore and experience a story. I also think Storm Hollow is expensive but looks like a great intro for younger kids, a rpg lite sort of deal with a lot of structure for…
Wtf is it with these idiotic edegelord jerks? Why do they even have a platform let alone why are so many of them cut from the same unpleasant cloth?
I’m going to stop you right there. If the question is “will fans make the community more toxic” the answer is yes.
So... Anecdotal here, but for us it was a combination of factors, mostly pivoting around the safety concerns. We didn’t want to eat there immediately thereafter, then one of us was pregnant and didn’t want to risk it for a while after that. By the time things seemed to have improved? We’d lost the habit and kicked any…
I mean TECHNICALLY the sequel is in the bible too, it’s the book of revelations, right? The second coming of Christ where he, you know, has a literal (?) sword for a tongue I’m sure that’ll play well at Christmas time.
I even stop ordering from delivery places if the regular delivery guy or gal gets too friendly, I am 100% with you in avoiding the hell out of servers that invite themselves into your evening out.
This was my first time actually playing the DLC too so it’d be a double gut punch if they dropped all that right after I finally caught up. I’m also in love with my now canon Inquisitor obviously, can’t reboot her.
Hey its OK buddy. Here I’m America we’ve almost forgotten what things like “leadership” look like too! But it’s going to be OK. November is coming fast and we’re going to vote these spineless soulless sock puppets out of every office we can find.