Quietly Simmering

Oh good. Fresh wounds, I just finished a end to end DAI playhrough :)

Wait Dragon Age is getting rebooted?

I mean you just seem really angry! I’m concerned because I can’t see any logical reason for you to spend days and days upset over how someone else plays a video game. Look I’m sorry for whatever happened. Best of luck though ok kiddo?

Time for a freedom of information act request?

See this feels more like murder for hire to me but no attorney on the planet would make a case for that.

I mean based on a quick survey of Twitter... Real men are usually bad now so of course fish man.

I mean... You REALLY do seem to care. Like, a lot. Lots of effort, lots of comments on here, seems really invested in who lies to you about their video game. I’m concerned for you is all, feels like displaced anger over some other lies that hurt you. Do you need to talk about anything?

My absolute favorite look is white tux plus Peach’s veil. It just has the right queer ambiguous look that makes everything that much more fun.

How about this use case: I have two kids and a job and don’t have time to devote the hours necessary to hone my skills sufficient to flawlessly pass a nightmare plane of lava spikes and murder, but also am curious what lies beyond that particular hell gauntlet. I bought the game, if I choose to glitch it up all day to

Why do you care?

Time stamp on that Trump tweet is almost immediately after the interview. Which means he was watching. Which means Tapper’s assertion that he was there to curry favor was 100% spot fucking on.

American Versailles. It’s isolated from the capitol, a vulgar display of wealth, provides unsupervised access to the emperor (and his new clothes), and almost certainly will be a historical site after the revolution.

We tried it last night it was a blast! I credit you with reminding me I had it at a critical time :)

Can’t wait to try this out with the family. It was on sale recently I grabbed it and it waits, jewel like, ready for play.

I have had Oxenfree pinned to my xb1 dash for about a year now and I have no idea why I haven’t tried it. I know it’s exactly what I want in a game, just seems like something is always begging for slightly more attention somehow. I wonder how common Oxenfree Procrastination Syndrome is.

Proposal: if you see those spikes you are allowed to shit on any cars parked beneath them.

But space mumbo jumbo! SPACE REASONS

Unless you are being chased by something that keeps accelerating, in which case you need to keep pouring coal into the chute. And if the thing chasing you has a full tank and also a thousand more tanks like it...

Best part is he’s had them for months. In other words: all those interviews? All of them were carefully given a bespoke opportunity not to lie to the FBI, and I’d bet every single one of them provided the opportunity to at the least charge them with that, and likely obstruction of justice for anyone who deliberately

You know you’re right. I was mentally editing the awkward “go on mute” in my head apparently. Whom to mute, who to go on mute. Accurate. Consider it withdrawn.