Looks delightful! We’ve got a trip coming up this is perfectly timed to add to our Switch indie inventory
Looks delightful! We’ve got a trip coming up this is perfectly timed to add to our Switch indie inventory
Let’s play it safe and say we will gladly purchase Stellar Domination: Ghosts of the Beforers
Shouldn’t it be whom? As in “Dear reader, whomever would you silence?”
After Virginia I’m... Well surprised isn’t the right word. I’m NEVER surprised when the GOP does something idiotic. But I’m nevertheless surprised they aren’t more worried about this scenario considering it is increasingly obvious the entire Trump administration worked with a foreign power to subvert our democracy.…
Addendum: some of us have kids, jobs and obligations and setting the difficulty down means we get more time playing the damn game rather than retrying hard bits over and over. When you’ve got an hour of game time every couple of days, the design principle of “die and reload forever” begins to feel like a personal…
Tooling around in black Friday purchases this weekend, specifically Agents of Mayhem. I also converted my much of my to buy backlog into games, so whenever I figure out how to play Doom or Resident Evil with two small children in the house, I’ll get on to those as well.
Temper your expectations, these things take years... If we get more info in weeks that’s good but I’d plan for 2018 before we get any relief.
Dude can you see the comments here? Not only is this news to some, some people are actively advocating making a four year old assemble their fucking bike by themselves. This looks like a necessary conversation to have.
As a Kickstarter creator, I’d be interested in a feature on a few that delivered successfully. Or over delivered, maybe? Or faced unexpected difficulties only to overcome and deliver as promised?
To quote the good reverend Lovejoy: short answer is yes with an if, long answer no, with a but.
Or, bear with me here, OR we cremate the evil bastard, then bury the ashes at an unmarked crossroad to make sure. Also use some tradecraft to hide the location of the crossroad from the people doing the burial so we don’t create a fucking shrine and end up with serial killer pilgrimages.
I mean she worked for government contractors I can’t really blame them. That said I’d hire her in a heartbeat if I had a job to give, and any advocacy group or campaign would be lucky to have her. If she doesn’t have a job in a week there’s something wrong.
Given the mandate Mueller is operating under this is HUGE. He may already have this information honestly but this gives him yet another entitled rich jackass to apply pressure to. In any sane world of course Congress would immediately move to remove him and censure him but we all know no one but the independent…
Are you fucking kidding me? You, sir, can go straight to hell.
Here’s the thing: even if he wasn’t a sexual predator, killing off his character would be a good move. I haven’t been following for a while, but it would add a ton of new plot, shake character relationships up, throw things in an unexpected direction, etc etc. It would make things significantly better all around. (the…
Not strange: it was privilege.
I’m totally torn. Because on the one hand get that bully racist nazi fucker off Twitter. On the other hand it’s been established that his comments on Twitter are materially relevant to the prosecution’s case in court. In fact his comments directly led to one of his racist Muslim bans collapsing. So for all the damage…
I always head canon it as area knowledge. If my character grew up in that city, of course they’d know which turns are where, and what alley is best to lose the cops in. Falls apart as soon as you leave the starting region, but it makes me feel a bit better about it. :)
Yeah we have to keep opposing this shit. Ignoring it just gives them a free platform. Unless we push back hard they’ll gain traction simply through normalization and acclimation. Fuck these nazi shitheels and counter them every chance we get. Thank you so fucking much for joining the counter protest. You are literally…
And so we see why it’s been batshit crazy more than usual lately. Charges filed, arrests incoming, things are going to get really freaking unhinged over the next few months.